Farhad Qaumi has been jailed for at least 43 years. Picture: Channel 7
media_cameraFarhad Qaumi has been jailed for at least 43 years. Picture: Channel 7

Brothers jailed for ‘underworld rampage’

GANG leader Farhad Qaumi has been jailed for at least 43 years for his role in the fatal “violent underworld rampage” that erupted in western Sydney in late 2013.

His two brothers have received shorter but significant terms.

The 34-year-old Brothers 4 Life Blacktown chapter leader was jailed on Friday for a string of crimes including manslaughter and a contract murder, while brother Mumtaz Qaumi, 32, was jailed for at least 36 years for offences including the two fatal shootings.

Describing the violence as “outlandish and lawless”, Justice Peter Hamill also jailed Jamil Qaumi, 25, for at least 21 years for his crimes which included manslaughter.

More to come.

Originally published as Gangster bros locked up for killing spree