Police inspect NSW 'near miss' bus company

Two buses belonging to the company linked to a terrifying near-miss between a bus and semi-trailer on Sydney M5 motorway have been taken off the road due to safety concerns.

NSW Police launched an investigation after the bus, which was carrying about 20 students, pulled out in front of the truck at Hammondville early in June.

Footage of the incident showed the truck jack-knifing in a plume of white smoke, narrowly avoiding a collision, while the bus continued down the road.

Detectives conducted a safety audit on seven buses belonging to the company at Strathfield on Friday.

Police said two were taken off the road due to defective seatbelts and a further five were found to have minor defects including loose seats, faulty seatbelts, exposed metal on seats and exposed wiring in a toilet.

The bus involved in the M5 near-miss was not one of the seven vehicles, police said.

Assistant Commissioner Michael Corboy said the incident could have been much worse.

"Bus and heavy vehicle operators can expect us to come knocking at any time to ensure safety standards are being met," he said in a statement.

"Our duty is to keep the public safe on all roads, without risking their lives or the lives of their loved ones."

The company was also issued with a number of infringement notices for failing to return registration plates for buses with expired registration.

Following the incident, bus driver Karem Afkhamisaddoghi, 59, apologised and said he thought he had enough time to get on the motorway.

Last week, he was issued with a notice to attend Liverpool Local Court on July 19 for driving in a dangerous manner and negligent driving.

The truck driver returned to work the following day despite being shaken by the June 1 near miss.

Originally published as Police inspect NSW 'near miss' bus company