The Sydney Morning Herald

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DiCaprio parts with Oscar gift as Malaysian fund probe nears $6 billion mark

Lindsay Murdoch

Published: June 16 2017 - 2:36PM

 Bangkok: Actor Leonardo DiCaprio has handed over an Oscar and other gifts to the US Justice Department, which is moving to recover more than $US1 billion in assets it says were stolen from Malaysia's scandal-hit 1MDB sovereign wealth fund.

Prosecutors are also seeking to recover diamonds allegedly given to Australian model Miranda Kerr and rights to the movies Dumb and Dumber To, starring comedian Jim Carrey, and Daddy's Home, starring Will Ferrell.

The rights are held by Red Granite Pictures, a Los Angeles-based production company chaired by Riza Aziz, the stepson of Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak.

Prosecutors claim that Red Granite used $US100 million diverted from 1MDB to finance the 2013 movie The Wolf of Wall Street, starring DiCaprio, who said last year he was co-operating with the investigations.

"This money financed the lavish lifestyles of the alleged co-conspirators at the expense and detriment of the Malaysian people," Acting US assistant attorney-general Kenneth Blanco said in a statement.

"Today's complaint reveals another chapter of this multi-year, multibillion-dollar fraud scheme, bringing the total identified stolen proceeds to $US4.5 billion ($5.94 billion)," he said.

Mr Najib, who set up 1MDB in 2009, lashed out hours after the Justice Department filed new lawsuits in its biggest ever kleptocracy case, claiming the "unnecessary and gratuitous" naming of the stars amounted to "political manipulation and interference".

"This suggests a motivation that goes beyond the objective of seizing assets," Mr Najib's press secretary said. "The judicial process is not served by headline-seeking."

But DiCaprio's decision to turn over the Oscar won by Marlon Brando in 1955 for best actor in On The Waterfront and other gifts will intensify pressure on Mr Najib, who analysts say is preparing for early elections this year.

The Oscar was given to DiCaprio as a gift by Red Granite to thank him for starring in The Wolf of Wall Street.

Investigators have revealed that almost $US1 billion that turned up in Mr Najib's personal bank accounts came from 1MDB through a complex web of international financial transactions.

British-educated Mr Najib, who has had close ties to successive Australian governments, has failed to explain what happened to much of the money. He denies any wrongdoing.

The whereabouts of Mr Aziz's confidant Jho Low, a flamboyant Malaysian businessman at the centre of the 1MDB investigations underway in multiple countries, are unknown.

Mr Low has not commented on the allegations. His $US165 million megayacht Equanimity, which prosecutors also want to seize, was reported to be sailing off Cambodia's coast on Thursday.

Prosecutors allege that in 2014 Mr Low gave $US8 million worth of jewellery to Ms Kerr, including a heart-shaped diamond.

The Wall Street Journal quoted an unnamed person who knows them as saying they were dating at the time.

Ms Kerr was married last month to Snap Inc co-founder Evan Spiegel.

Prosecutors allege that $US30 million was given to Rosmah Mansor, Mr Najib's wife, who also denies any wrongdoing.

They also allege that Mr Low used $US3.2 million diverted from 1MDB to buy a Picasso painting for DiCaprio.

"Happy birthday. This a gift for you," a friend of Mr Low's wrote in a note, Reuters reported.

Other assets prosecutors want to seize include paintings by Van Gogh and Monet and luxury real estate in New York, London and Beverly Hills.

Sandra Brown, a US attorney in California, told reporters the scandal involved a "web of lies and bogus transactions" and said "we simply will not allow the United States to be a place where corrupt individuals can expect to hide assets and lavishly spend money that should be used for the benefit of citizens of other nations".

Within Malaysia, Mr Najib has shrugged off allegations of his involvement as he shut down investigations and cracked down on media outlets reporting on the scandal.

He holds a tight grip on the long-ruling United Malays National Organisation through largesse distributed to the party's rank-and-file.

When Mr Najib set up 1MDB he declared that it would spur economic development in his country. The fund borrowed $US13 billion but has little to show for it.

Red Granite Pictures said in a statement it was "actively engaged in discussions with the Justice Department aimed at resolving these civil cases and is fully cooperating".

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