
Federal Budget news

Stubbornly low wages are a broader problem.

When profits eat wages we all pay the price

It's too early to be sure, but not too early to suspect that, if we and the other developed economies keep travelling the way we are, conventional wisdom about what constitutes good economic policy may soon need to be turned on its head.

Chifley versus the banks

Ben Chifley in 1940, adjusting his Commonwealth Bank legislation. Mindful of the Depression's lessons, the then ...

The big banks won the last great war against government interference, 70 years ago.

Labor-lite budget ticks all the boxes for Turnbull

Malcolm Turnbull: "If we don't sell [coal] to [India], someone else will.''

For students of the politics of economics – my special subject – this clothes-pinching budget has been a feast. Oh no, it's "Labor-lite". Shocking! Actually, it's a budget that ticks all the boxes for Malcolm Turnbull and, by extension, his parliamentary followers – something their silent acquiescence suggests they realise.

'Policy concocted on the run': CBA boss slams bank tax

CBA chief Ian Narev

CBA boss Ian Narev has slammed the government's budget bank levy as an "opportunistic tax grab" and "policy concocted on the run" and warned that the cost would have to be borne by either customers or shareholders.