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WA Police uncover 'alarming drug culture' following overnight raids

WA Police say a series of raids have uncovered an "alarming drug culture" in Perth bar and nightclubs, after 56 people were charged in relation to the sale of illicit substances outside licensed venues in the city overnight.

The operation focused on drug dealing within licensed premises, and resulted in Perth City Detectives carrying out 40 separate search warrants across the metropolitan region this week.

Police charged 56 people between the ages of 18 and 46-years-old with 154 separate offences, and drugs with an estimated street value of $1.1 million was seized as a result of the raids.

This included 500 ecstasy tablets and MDMA capsules, 350 grams of MDMA crystal, 322 grams of methylamphetamine, 433 grams of cannabis, 250 millilitres of GHB, small quantities of LSD and DMT, a large quantity of prescription drugs and 60 vials of steroids.

Police also confiscated $240,000 in assets and $70,000 in cash from the different properties.

Central Metropolitan Police District Superintendent Kim Massam said officers were concerned with Perth drug dealers who seemed to be acting openly and without fear of reprimand.


"These are the venues where we go to socialise, particularly young adults in our community. This alone makes this drug culture that we found in this operation all the more alarming," he said.

"We want these venues to be safe for all patrons and we encourage all community members, including those who work in the entertainment sector, to provide us with information about drug dealing in our community."

Supterintendent Massam said WA Police would investigate banning the people charged from entering licensed venues in the future as a result of this investigation.

"We don't want these people returning to our key entertainment precincts any time soon and if they do they could be charged," he said.