Cheap wind, solar will make Australia a magnet - Bloomberg

Solar energy is about to get a whole lot bigger in Australia,  Bloomberg New Energy Finance says
Solar energy is about to get a whole lot bigger in Australia, Bloomberg New Energy Finance says CSIRO

Cheap wind and solar power will make Australia a magnet for energy-intensive industries such as smelting again within a decade or two, reversing the current trend for large smelters to back off production or threaten closure because of soaring electricity prices, Bloomberg New Energy Finance says in its 2017 Outlook. 

Prices for solar PV rooftop panels, wind power and batteries will fall rapidly and quickly undercut coal and gas power, driving rapid uptake of these "distributed energy" technologies and making Australia one of the most decentralised energy markets in the world with a massive 45 per cent of power capacity "behind the meter" by 2040.

Small-scale PV will be the largest single source of generation capacity by 2040, with 44 gigawatts - 31 per cent of the mix. Solar PV will "take the place of coal as the backbone of the national energy supply", BNEF's New Energy Outlook 2017 says.

Batteries in homes and business premises will supply another 15GW, helping to stabilise the grid at times of peak demand through "demand response" as coal supplies a diminishing share of demand. It projects that levelised (all in) costs of wind power will fall from $US57/MWh ($76/MWh) today to $US33/MWh in 2040, and solar PV will plummet from $US71/MWh today to $US26/MWh in 2040.

The solar PV boom will be joined by a boom in batteries, Bloomberg New Energy Finance's New Energy Outlook 2017 projects
The solar PV boom will be joined by a boom in batteries, Bloomberg New Energy Finance's New Energy Outlook 2017 projects Bloomberg New Energy Finance, New Energy Outlook 2017

Wind and solar already significantly undercut the cost of power from new coal plant - which BNEF estimates at $US94-172/MWh -  and by 2023 will undercut the cost of power from refurbished coal plant. 

Solar boom

The Outlook substantially upgrades BNEF's previous forecasts - a year ago it projected behind the meter energy at 35 per cent of generation capacity by 2040 - and flatly contradicts former prime minister Tony Abbott's argument that the Finkel review of energy is too optimistic about price falls in renewable energy compared to coal power and unfairly writes off coal.

Kobad Bhavnagri, lead author of NEO 2017 in Asia-Pacific, said the Finkel review was too conservative on potential price falls in renewable energy and had underestimated the role they will play because things are changing too fast for models to keep up. 

"I think that Finkel has underestimated the pace of change and the fact that everything  in the energy industry is happening faster than anyone projects." Mr Bhavnagri said.

Cheap wind and solar power will make Australia a magnet for heavy industry again.
Cheap wind and solar power will make Australia a magnet for heavy industry again. Jessica Shapiro

"The modelling is always going to be wrong. We have the privilege of being able to update this every year and every year our forecasts become more aggressive and every year experience proves that what happens outdoes what we predict." 

"So the key is to have a plan that's really flexible and can cope with the rapid pace of change."

Electric vehicles

In another sign of the changing energy system, BNEF projects that by 2040 electric vehicles will make up around 45 per cent of all new car sales and 42 per cent of the total car fleet, with some 11 per cent of national electricity production will be used to charge their batteries.

 Demand Response, batteries, solar panels and wind will dominate electricity investment over the next two decades, ...
Demand Response, batteries, solar panels and wind will dominate electricity investment over the next two decades, Bloomberg New Energy Finance's New Energy Outlook 2017 projects Bloomberg New Energy Finance, New Energy Outlook 2017

The Outlook says China, India and Australia should have the lowest energy costs in the Asia Pacific region thanks to their lowest levelized costs for wind and solar PV. 

"This should become a comparative economic advantage for these countries, and attract energy intensive industries such as aluminum smelting, steel making, minerals processing and manufacturing," the Outlook says. Another energy expert, Melbourne University economics professor Ross Garnaut, has argued the same thing.

 Of the $US88 billion expected to be spent on new generation capacity from 2017 to 2040, rooftop solar and batteries will command nearly half of the spend, or $US42.5 billion, and wind farms and utility scale solar about $US33 billion, the Outlook projects. 

About $US11 will go into new gas plant, which will only replace part of the existing fleet as it closes, and just $S2 billion will go into life extending refurbishments of coal power stations, with the majority closing their doors.

The transformation will upend the existing grid hierarchy, requiring a suite of new technologies and practices to effectively manage the system – and offering a potential high tech export opportunity for Australia, the Outlook says.