- published: 12 Feb 2013
- views: 37574
Edi Rama (born 4 July 1964) is an Albanian politician, artist, writer, and the current Prime Minister of Albania since 2013. He has also been leader of the Socialist Party of Albania since 2005. Rama served in the government as Minister of Culture, Youth, and Sports from 1998 to 2000, and he was Mayor of Tirana from 2000 to 2011. He led a coalition of socialist and left-wing parties that won the June 2013 parliamentary election, defeating the conservative bloc of Prime Minister Sali Berisha.
Rama was born in Tirana to Kristaq Rama, a sculptor and native of Durrës, and Aneta Rama (née Koleka), a graduate in medicine from Vuno.
He is a relative of late communist politician Spiro Koleka through his mother. Rama himself was baptized Catholic, not Orthodox, but he has stated that “I do not practice any faith other than to the self and other people, but I don’t believe that the existence or non-existence of God is a matter that can ever be resolved by mortals.”
As a teenager, Rama became involved in sports by becoming a player of Dinamo, a leading basketball team, and the Albania national basketball team.
Edi Rama: Take back your city with paint
ΑΠΟΚΛΕΙΣΤΙΚΟ:Καυγάς στην Αλβανική βουλή με αφορμή την αναφορά Ράμα για την Ακρόπολη-(STAR 4.11.2016)
Nisma e re e Ramës: Çfarë duhet të përmirësojmë? - Top Channel Albania - News - Lajme
PM Benjamin Netanyahu Meets Albanian PM Edi Rama
Edi Rama about Albanian Religion
Elezioni in Albania: in testa i socialisti di Edi Rama
"Wake Up", Edi Rama përtej politikës
Is Edi Rama Albania's Mr Clean? | Conflict Zone
Zgjedhje 2017, Surrel, voton Kryeministri Edi Rama
Albania: Socialist Prime Minister Edi Rama votes
Make a city beautiful, curb corruption. Edi Rama took this deceptively simple path as mayor of Tirana, Albania, where he instilled pride in his citizens by transforming public spaces with colorful designs. With projects that put the people first, Rama decreased crime -- and showed his citizens they could have faith in their leaders. (Filmed at TEDxThessaloniki.) TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more. Find closed captions and translated subtitles in many languages at http://www.ted.com/translate Follow TED news on Twit...
Pas jehonës së fitores së PS-së, kryeministri Edi Rama është fokusuar në një tjetër çështje.
ראש הממשלה בנימין נתניהו נפגש עם ראש ממשלת אלבניה אדי ראמה. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu meets with Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama וידאו: לע"מ
Chiuse le urne a Tirana per le elezioni politiche, i socialisti del premier uscente Edi Rama si sarebbero aggiudicati tra il 45 e il 49% dei consensi, arrivando ad ottenere la maggioranza. A dirlo è un exit poll di Ipr marketing svolto per conto della tv albanaese Ora news, che segnerebbe uno scarto netto dei socialisti rispetto ai partiti concorrenti. … ALTRE INFORMAZIONI: http://it.euronews.com/2017/06/25/elezioni-in-albania-in-testa-i-socialisti-di-edi-rama euronews: il canale di informazione più seguito in Europa. Abbonati ! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=euronewsit euronews è disponibile in 13 lingue: https://www.youtube.com/user/euronewsnetwork/channels In italiano: Sito web: http://it.euronews.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/euronews Twitter: http:/...
Kryeministri Edi Rama ishte i ftuar në "Wake Up" në Top Channel, aty ku zbuloi disa detaje nga jeta e tij personale.
http://www.dw.com/conflictzone Albanian PM Rama is urging the EU to take his country in. But is the EU ready for the struggling state and vice versa? Tim Sebastian presses him on progress in the fight against corruption, crime and cannabis.
Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama votes in a parliamentary election, where he hopes to clinch a second term in office, pledging to boost economic growth and complete sweeping reforms of Albania's notoriously corrupt judicial system that have been demanded by Brussels. IMAGES
Subscribe këtu: https://goo.gl/ut7r4X Ermal Mamaqi Channel Email : info@xing.al WEB : www.xing.al Ermal Mamaqi Social https://www.facebook.com/Ermal.Mamaqi.Official https://instagram.com/ermalmamaqiofficial/ https://www.youtube.com/user/ErmalMamaqiOfficial https://soundcloud.com/ermal-mamaqi
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tvklan Emision LIVE nga Blendi Fevziu ne KLANHD & TVKLAN; Të ftuar: Edi Rama, Baton Haxhiu, Henri Çili, Artan Hoxha, Armand Shkullaku
Edi Rama ka marrë i vetëm timonin e qeverisjes së vendit. Lutja që i drejtoi qytetarëve shqiptarë për 30 ditë, por edhe pak orë përpara mbylljes së fushatës, ka marrë përgjigje pozitive nga zgjedhësit. Edi Rama: Dhe aman, ju lutem bëni çmos, mos më lini më peng të atyre që duan të vazhdojnë të mbajnë peng Shqipërinë! Nga numërimi i kutive të votimit në mbarë vendin, në bazë të projeksioneve aktuale, Partia Socialiste ka arritur të sigurojë 74 mandate deputetësh, duke siguruar kështu 9 mandate më shumë sesa në zgjedhjet e vitit 2013. Harta e Shqipërisë, e ngjyrosur në bazë të qarqeve të fituara nga secila parti politike, flet qartë. Në vetëm 2 qarqe PD ka mundur të dalë fituese, duke ruajtur qarkun e Shkodrës, si dhe atë të Kukësit, ku demokratët kanë marrë më shumë mandate deputetësh sesa ...
Në Parlamentin e ardhshëm do të kenë përfaqësuesit e tyre 5 subjekte politike: PS, PD, LSI, PDIU dhe Partia Social Demokrate e Shqipërisë. Këto subjekte politike kanë mundur të kenë të paktën 1 mandat deputeti, ndërsa Partia Socialiste ka marrë timonin e qeverisjes së vendit për 4 vitet e ardhshme. Edi Rama i fitoi zgjedhjet dhe do të jetë kryeministri i vendit për një mandat të dytë. I vetëm Edi Rama mori besimin e qytetarëve shqiptarë me një votë masive, duke i dhënë mundësinë të krijojë qeverinë e re, pa patur nevojë për aleanca. Harta e Shqipërisë e ngjyrosur në bazë të qarqeve të fituara nga socialistët, flet qartë. Partia Demokratike mundi të marrë mandate më shumë se PS vetëm në 2 qarqe, duke shënuar një humbje të thellë në 10 qarqe të tjera të vendit. Demokratët shënuan rezultatin ...
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tvklan Emision LIVE nga Blendi Fevziu ne KLANHD & TVKLAN; Të ftuar: Edi Rama Kryeministri Rama tha në emisionin e sotëm të “Opinion” se ministrat teknikë nuk do të jenë më të tillë pas 25 qershorit nëse PS fiton zgjedhjet. Ai tha se do të shkarkohen pasi nuk janë pjesë e programit të qeverisë. “Në rast se 25 qershori do zgjedhë PS-në në krye të qeverisë, ata s’do jenë më ministra. Ata janë ministrja teknikë dhe do largohen nëse ne fitojmë zgjedhjet”, tha Rama. Kryeministri Edi Rama, i ftuar sonte në emisionin “Opinion” ka deklaruar se ai nuk e dha dorëhqeje pasi kjo nuk është çështje personale. Rama deklaroi se nuk mund ta jepte vetë dorëheqjen pasi “ka kontrat me 1milion njerëz që kanë besuar votën”. Më tej Rama është shrehur se ministrat teknik janë ...
Kryeministri Edi Rama mbërrin në selinë e PS-së
Subscribe këtu: https://goo.gl/ut7r4X Ermal Mamaqi Channel Email : info@xing.al WEB : www.xing.al Ermal Mamaqi Social https://www.facebook.com/Ermal.Mamaqi.Official https://instagram.com/ermalmamaqiofficial/ https://www.youtube.com/user/ErmalMamaqiOfficial https://soundcloud.com/ermal-mamaqi
http://www.dw.com/conflictzone Albanian PM Rama is urging the EU to take his country in. But is the EU ready for the struggling state and vice versa? Tim Sebastian presses him on progress in the fight against corruption, crime and cannabis.
The News Today with Ayman Sikseck - 12/22/2015 i24news is an international 24-hour news and current affairs television channel based in Jaffa Port. For more from our news teams http://www.i24news.tv Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/i24newsEN Twitter: https://twitter.com/i24News_EN
Sarah Montague talks to incoming Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama about his planned renaissance for what Transparency International calls the single most corrupt country in Europe. 18th of July 2013
The Albanian PM Edi Rama was invited on GPS of Fareed Zakaria-CNN. The main message was: "Beauty is much more intimidating than brutality...". It was an instantly recorded video with smartphone, so, sorry for the quality. Hope that one day this video will be replaced with a better quality one from the CNN sources. BenB@Nov.10, 2013.
Video ID: 20141110-023 W/S Prime Minister of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic and Prime Minister of Albania Edi Rama in front of the Serbian Palace C/U Helicopter M/S Aleksandar Vucic and Edi Rama meeting the delegation's members M/S Edi Rama and Aleksandar Vucic W/S Edi Rama and Aleksandar Vucic M/S Meeting C/U Edi Rama W/S Serbian Minister of Finance Dusan Vujovic and Albanian Minister of Economic Development and Trade Arben Ahmetaj signing agreement on mutual help in preventing and resolution of the custom crimes M/S Serbian Minister of Finance Dusan Vujovic and Albanian Minister of Economic Development and Trade Arben Ahmetaj signing agreement M/S Two ministers shaking hands C/U Albanian flag SOT, Edi Rama, Prime Minister of Albania (Albanian): "Kosovo is independent and that's irreversible r...
Abonnez-vous à notre chaîne sur YouTube : http://f24.my/youtube En DIRECT - Suivez FRANCE 24 ici : http://f24.my/YTliveFR Dans cette deuxième partie de « Ici l’Europe », nous recevons Edi Rama, le Premier ministre albanais, pour un entretien. L’Union européenne s’est récemment émue de la situation dans ce pays balkanique. Depuis février 2017, l'opposition manifeste dans les rues de Tirana pour dénoncer la politique du gouvernement socialiste. Alors que les élections législatives du 18 juin prochain approchent, la société albanaise semble plus polarisée que jamais. Une émission presentée par Caroline de Camaret (France 24) et Dominique Baillard (RFI) Production : Isabelle Romero, Anaïs Guérard et Sadia Mandjo Notre site : http://www.france24.com/fr/ Rejoignez nous sur Facebook : https://w...
*Audrey Tilve:* *It's still the dream to be a part of the European Union. That the case here in Albania, a Balkan country still linked to troubles, such as corruption and crime. But the socialist prime minister, Edi Rama, who has been in power for three years, is a reformer. His aim, to join the European club. But where does Albania stand now. That's what we are going to try and find out right now . Edi Rama, thanks for coming.* *Audrey Tilve:* _We'll start with the European Mission, since th… READ MORE : http://www.euronews.com/2016/05/19/edi-rama-we-need-to-stop-all-this-talk-about-a-corrupt-albania Don’t miss our next interview – subscribe! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=GlobalConversationYT Website: http://euronews.com/globalconversation The Global Conversati...
Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama fears what could happen to America if Donald Trump is elected president.
Date: September 27, 2013 from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM Location: Rotunda, Low Memorial Library Description: This World Leaders Forum program features an address by His Excellency Edi Rama, Prime Minister of the Republic of Albania, followed by a question and answer session with the audience.
Lyrics: (Screamed parts in CAPITALS)
*First Verse*
So then I can breathe
Talk to me
And then we'll see-ee
*First Chorus-Intro*
Look into my eyes
When you look into my reflections,
Will you see how much I've changed,
Will you See you've made a connection,
Or will you be just as deranged
Look into my eyes
*Second Verse Intro*
Return to me-eeh
Just stray from the skies
come to mee-eee
*Second Chorus-Intro*
To mee-eeee
Look into my eyes
*Second Chorus*
When you look into my reflections,
Will you see how much I've changed,
Will you See you've made a connection,
Or will you be just as deranged
Look into my eyes
I'm left alone with me
*Guitar Solo*