- published: 08 May 2014
- views: 3473
The Arabati Baba Tekḱe is a tekḱe located in Tetovo, Republic of Macedonia. The tekke was originally built in 1538 around the türbe of Sersem Ali Baba, an Ottoman dervish. In 1799, a waqf provided by Recep Paşa established the current grounds of the tekke. The finest surviving Bektashi monastery in Europe, the sprawling complex features flowered lawns, prayer rooms, dining halls, lodgings and a great marble fountain inside a wooden pavilion.
Ali Baba was the brother-in-law of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent, and had been a high-ranking Baba in the important Dimetoka Teḱe (now in Didymoteicho) when his sister (who was one of the sultan’s wives) fell into disfavor with her husband. As a result, Ali Baba was banished to Kalkandelen (present-day Tetovo) at the outer fringes of the Ottoman Empire where he started his own Teḱe.
Another version of the story goes that Ali Baba was an official of the Ottoman Empire who gave up his position in order to live the simple life of a Bektashi monk. Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent, angered by the departure of one of his favorite officials, yelled after Ali as he departed Istanbul, ‘‘If you will be a fool, then go.’’ Sersem, the old Turkish for ‘fool’, became Ali Baba’s nickname thereafter.
Baba and similar words may refer to:
Yoltv Halkin Televizyonu
Avrupa Alevi Bektaşi Konfederasyonu (AABK) temsilcileri ve Türkiye'den Aleviler, Makedonya'nın Tetova (Kalkandelen) kentinde 21 Mart 2015 tarihinde Baba Mondi Dedeba'nın konuğu oldukları Harabati Baba Tekkesinde Nevruz Kutlaması yaptılar.
http://www.aleviforum.net Makedonya'daki Harabati Baba Tekkesi'nde Neler Oluyor ? Makedonya'daki Harabati Baba Tekkesi'nde yaşayan Alevi- Bektaşi dervişler, 2002 yılından beri tekkeyi işgal altında tutan bir grubun kendilerine sürekli baskı yaptığını ileri sürdüler.
Even though the Ministry of Culture of Republic of Macedonia has set it as a cultural heritage under state protection, Harabati Baba Tekke in Tetovo, continues to fall from day to day, being of great historical importance, since it dates from 1510, the only one who tries to protect it and intervene are clerics and Bektashi followers who live there and try to make their ends meet, meanwhile, the state seldom takes interest in this landmark historical monument. Иако Министерството за Култура го има ставено како културно наследство под заштита на државата, Теќето Харабати Баба во Тетово, што е од големо историско значење, токму поради тоа што датира од 1510 година, но сепак од ден на ден продолжува да пропаѓа, додека единствени кои се обидуват да ја заштитат и да интервенират се клериците и ...
Harabati Baba Tekkesi veya Sersem Ali Baba Dergâhı, (Makedonca: Арабати Баба Теќе) MS 1538 yılında Makedonya'da bulunan Osmanlı-Türk dinî eserlerinden biridir.Kalkandelen'deki tekke adını, Sersem Ali Baba'nın ölümünden sonra yerine geçen dedelerden birisi olan Harabati Baba'dan alıyor. 16. yüzyılda Malatya'dan Kalkandelen'e gelen Harabati Baba tekkeyi dergâh haline sokmuştur.[5] Yüzyıllar boyu dergâhın geniş bahçesinde tarım ve hayvancılık yapılmıştır.balkan ziyaretinizde mutlak gidip görmelisiniz..
מסדר הנמצא בעיר טטובו tetovo ברפובליקת מקדוניה. Baktashi Order, the Order in the city of Tetovo, Republic of Macedonia. לקריאת הכתבה כנסו ל- http://www.seekingtheworld.com/2013/06/country-of-alexander-iii-of-macedon.html
This mosque is well worth a visit to Tetovo which is not too far from Skopje. Read all about it on our Macedonia Blog: http://macedonia.for91days.com/the-painted-mosque-and-arabati-baba-tekke-in-tetovo/ We arrived just as an older gentleman wearing a white skullcap was opening the doors to the Šarena Džamija, and he ushered us inside, speaking German. It turned out that he had spent a decade working in Jürgen’s home town of Darmstadt.
Planning to visit Macedonia? Check out our Macedonia Travel Guide video and see top most Tourist Attractions in Macedonia. Top Places to visit in Macedonia: Mavrovo Lake, Church of St. John at Kaneo, Stone Bridge, Millennium Cross, Samoil’s Fortress, Kokino Observatory, Saint Panteleimon, Skopje Aqueduct, Mount Korab, The Arabati Baba Tekke, Ancient Theatre of Ohrid, Church of St. Sophia, Markovi Kuli, Stone town of Kuklica, Old Bazaar in Skopje Subscribe to Social Bubble: https://www.youtube.com/c/SocialBubbleNashik?sub_confirmation=1 To go to the World Travel Guide playlist go to: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3wNXIKi7sz3IilVSbByNJzEsCmsbIgv1 Visit our Website: http://socialbubble.global Follow us on Google+: https://plus.google.com/+SocialBubbleNashik Follow us on Facebook...
Part of the interview with Bektashi sufi dervish from Arabati Baba Teḱe in Tetovo, Macedonia. August 2012. Bektashi Shi´a sufi order has tekija/tekke (monastery) in Tetovo. The tekke was originally built in 1538 around the türbe of Sersem Ali Baba, an Ottoman dervish. Thanks to Veki Vekov we have also translation of Dervis´s speech (with some accuracy specifications): "There are many Sufi, but those who are truly worth are rare like diamonds. For the Bektashi, it is not important what is the number of the practitioners but rather to exist only one and shine like a diamond. Do you understand? Quality, not quantity - like China... There are many in Turkey, Bulgaria and in Budapest there is a Gulbaba shrine..." Then he explains that the Rifa'i don't have anything in common with the Bektashi...