Exclusively in the New Print Issue of CounterPunch

21st Century Fascism

In this issue: Dan Glazebrook charts the global rise of the new right; Laura Carlsen explores how NAFTA should be renegotiated to insure living wages across borders; the FBI in Hollywood: David Price details the feds’ decades long pursuit of radical film-maker Haskell Wexler; Myths and Madness: Matthew Stevenson’s pursuit of the truth about the Kennedys; Fog Machines: David Swanson details how war propaganda works; Money Trails: David Macaray on the financial conflicts of interest inside the Trump Empire. PLUS: Jeffrey St. Clair on the death penalty in American politics; Yvette Carnell on race, crime and punishment; Mike Whitney on Trump voters; Lee Ballinger on the new poverty. And much more.

Nuclear Weapons Ban? What Needs to be Banned Is U.S. Arrogance

In a context of almost total indifference, marked by outright hostility, representatives of over a hundred of the world’s least powerful countries are currently opening another three-week session of United Nations talks aimed at achieving a legally binding ban on nuclear weapons. Very few people even know this is happening.
Ban nuclear weapons? Ho hum… Let’s change the subject. Let’s talk about Russian hacking instead, or the rights of trans-sexuals to use the toilet of their choice, or even about something really important: climate change. More

Election Con 2016: New Evidence Demolishes the Myth of Trump’s “Blue-Collar” Populism

The ‘Trump as a working-class hero’ narrative is to a significant extent a product of wishful thinking among those who are understandably disenchanted with the Democratic Party’s growing elitism, seen in the “New Democratic” politics of Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Chuck Schumer, and Nancy Pelosi. It’s not surprising that progressives would conclude that voters responded to Trump’s populist rhetoric, which homed in on working-class Americans who have been harmed by corporate outsourcing of manufacturing jobs. We’ve been told so many times that Trump owes his victory to working-class voters; it’s no wonder that many don’t challenge this claim. More

Five American Pastimes, Six Dark Ironies: Reflections on Alexandria

When the bitter Bernie Sanders fan James T. Hodgkinson shot up the Republican congressional baseball team on a practice diamond in fashionable Alexandria, Virginia this last Wednesday, five great American pastimes – baseball, bad politics, deadly gun violence, the sensationalist news cycle, and the police state – came together with great and dark irony. More

This Week on CounterPunch Radio

  • HOST: Eric Draitsercpradio-podcast
  • GUEST: Mike King
  • TOPICS: Protests against the right-wing government in Brazil.

Corporate Democrats’ Ties to Wal-Mart’s Long Record of Fighting Workers’ Rights
