Melbourne Man Says Powerwall 2 Will Drop His Power Bill To $0

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Melbourne's first Powerwall 2 has been installed at a three-bedroom, one storey house in Coburg. Brendan Fahey and his wife Josephine added Tesla's shiny new battery to their home to complement their existing solar panels, after Brendan calculated that the Powerwall 2 could take his energy bill down almost to zero.

Tesla's Powerwall 2 was announced in October 2016, a follow-up to the original Powerwall, launched in 2015. The new model has improved on the original in a number of ways. One of the biggest changes is a built-in inverter, where the original model required an external one. The Powerwall 2 almost doubles the capacity of its predecessor, upgrading from 7kWh to a full 14kWh (13.5kWh of which is usable capacity). With Australia's average household electricity usage estimated to be around 16kWh a day, or as low as 13.5kWh in Victoria, the Powerwall 2 is now offering enough storage for Aussie households to potentially offset their entire electricity bill, and perhaps even move off the grid.

This is what Brendan found when he crunched the numbers around adding a Powerwall 2 to his existing solar. "I did some calculations with Powerwall 2 by writing a little formula based on my solar production and electricity usage for each day from 1st December 2016," Brendan explains. "Starting with a 14kWh home battery I subtracted and added on the gains and losses as I went through the six months up until a few weeks ago. At no point in my calculations did the 14kWh battery run out. If I had owned Powerwall 2 during that time I would have had no electricity bill."

The Australian Home Battery Storage Buying Guide

In sunny Australia, household rooftop solar can be a great way to generate some of your own power, and potentially save money off your electrical bill. Thanks to recent technology improvements and price reductions, home battery storage makes it possible to store the sun’s energy and use it again at night. But as more and more players enter the market, which option is right for you?

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Of course while Tesla and the Powerwall are big names in home energy storage, they're certainly not the only players on the field. One of the big stories the week of the Powerwall 2's launch pointed out that Tesla's shiny new battery had already been beaten on price by a competitor — an Australian made battery called the Ampetus "Super" Lithium. Based on SolarQuotes' solar battery comparison table, the Ampetus, a $2300, 3kWh battery has the lowest cost per warranted kWh of all the batteries currently on the market, at 19c. Tesla's Powerwall 2 is a close second at 23c per warranted kWh.

Taking into consideration the Powerwall 2's larger size and included inverter, which the Ampetus model doesn't include, the Powerwall 2 is still competing closely with the super cheap Australian model. For Brendan especially, the Powerwall 2's size was one of its biggest selling points. "The Powerwall was much cheaper than other batteries," he explained. "And at 14kWh it was a good size, which by my calculations would leave our power bills close to zero." The price was also a tipping point — with the improved model it was finally worth the investment. "I had considered batteries for a few years but they were too expensive. The new Powerwall 2 made my mind up."

Another key advantage to the Powerwall 2 over the original (or even over its competitors) is its integration with the Tesla app. While the app was originally designed just for Tesla's electric vehicles, it was recently updated with the capacity to connect to Powerwall 2 modules. The app lets Powerwall owners monitor their home energy system from afar, while also allowing input such as setting a minimum energy reserve in case of a grid outage. "It's really good that you can see what’s happening any time," Brendan said. "And I will check it multiple times a day."

Image: Supplied

While solar panels alone can provide some offset on a household's electricity bill by selling back to the grid in times of excess, Australian feed-in tariffs are disappointingly low. With the end of government incentives such as NSW's Solar Bonus Scheme or the Queensland scheme that awarded a premium tariff of 44c/kWh, solar owners are being paid pennies for their excess power. Brendan is getting only 5.5c/kWh from the energy he feeds back into the grid, though it's set to rise to 11.3c from July 1st.

With feed-in tariffs now four or five times less than the cost of electricity households purchase back from the grid, batteries like the Powerwall 2 are vital to making the most of home solar power. One of the early adopters of the original Powerwall battery, Nick Pfitzner, shared his story with us earlier this year. With the help of his rooftop solar and integrated Powerwall, Nick managed to cut his electricity bill by a staggering 92.2 per cent.

Tesla Powerwall (And Solar) Saved An Aussie Household 92.2% On Their Electricity Bill

$2,110.46 - that's how much the Pfitzner family says they have saved in power bills since installing a Tesla Powerwall 12 months ago, with the yearly bill for 2016 coming in at $178.71. The Sydney residents, who were the first in the world to install a Powerwall on their home, claim to now pay just 50 cents a day for electricity.

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Nick also integrated his battery with Reposit Power's GridCredits system — whereby energy stored in your battery is sold to the grid during price spikes driven by peak demand, at prices of up to $1/kWh. The earnings from these peak events are given back to Reposit customers as 'GridCredits', which provide a discount off their electricity bill. Brendan hasn't included any extras like this yet, but says that he is "currently looking at Reposit Power as a possibility."

With the fully installed cost of Brendan's Powerwall 2 sitting at $10,917, Brendan is confident in his investment. "The payback time I have calculated is around 7 years," he told Gizmodo. "But as energy prices rise this may lessen."

For Brendan, however, the incentive isn't just financial. As much as he wants to save money, he's also a supporter of Tesla's sustainable energy mission. "My motivation is to get my electricity bill as close to $0 as possible, and for the good of the environment, which is why I chose Powerwall."

WATCH MORE: Science & Health News


    How much solar does this guy have?
    I'm sure these numbers would be the same for our family. It would be the first 3Kwh that would make the most difference. The rubbish feed in tariff does add up with our summer bills often Zero, even without a battery.

    Last edited 12/06/17 10:09 am

      Care to elaborate?
      My maths might be bad, but even if I assume you get 100% sunshine with an above average 6kW system, you would only be able to generate ~7927 kWh, according to
      So, even if I assume that you used 0 kW for your self, which is impossible, (fridge/tv etc) with Melbourne's current tariff of 5c per kWh, you could only obtain $396.35 in a year, but you still have to pay the supply charge which is ~$1 per day, which equates to ~$31 but that excludes any actual usage or other bs charges they make you pay.
      Even if you're in another state where it's 6c, it's still only $110, but that's only possible if you never use anything, ever, in 365 days.

    If you have solar and a battery do you still need to be connected to the grid? And if so how much is this per qtr?

      The number of panels you have would determine if you make more $''s from feeding in then the cost of a connection. If you are creating 14kwh a day in winter then no need to be connected. Not sure how many panels would cover that.

      $130/quarter no mater what your usage is. So no ones bill is ever zero unless you are lucky to have a 40c plus feed in tariff to offset it.

      At $10k this is getting much better, and I feel sorry for the early adopters of the PW1 as the PW2 was announced only 6 months after (before PW1 installs starting happening).

    Breaking news, Melborne man neglects capital costs.

      Exactly and he still has to pay $500 a year supply charge just in case.

        And in other news, two people don't read an article in full.

        "With the fully installed cost of Brendan's Powerwall 2 sitting at $10,917, Brendan is confident in his investment. "The payback time I have calculated is around 7 years," he told Gizmodo. "But as energy prices rise this may lessen.""

          Not what I meant, but, perhaps I used the wrong term?
          I meant the cost of the money.

          Economics geeks, help me out here what's that term for the lost opportunity to use your capital in a safe competing investment?

    Pennies? If they were back in the 1960s maybe...

    I have 8 solar panels, with a feed in tariff at 40c and low power usage so that the bill is almost always in credit. But even with all that it'd probably take upwards of 8 years to pay off one of these... And that's assuming prices, tariffs, and the efficiency of the panels continue as they are, which they certainly will not!
    I don't know about any special credit system with batteries here in WA. That would change things if there were such a thing here but I doubt there is.

    As it stands, despite the hard sell with articles like this batteries are just a bit too expensive to make it viable, especially when you factor in how much less they'll cost and how much better they'll be by the time you pay off your expensive out-dated version

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