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Kidspot Lifestyle

Career and money

Whether you’re a working mum or at home with the kids (still working!), here’s all you need to know about juggling careers, children and money. Get on top of your finances with our great budget tips.

Juggling finances can be tough when you add kids to the equation. Find out how to make the most of your money with these savvy tips to make your budget work for you.

Thinking about going back in the workforce? Here's everything you need to know to help you make a smooth transition back into a working life.

Want to add to your skills but not sure where to start? Read our clever tips and ideas to help you make the first step to being even more wonderful than you already are!

“To anyone who thinks that working mums have it together ... Um, no!”

If you want the job, add this to your email

How a daggy item made this mum $250k

If we expect mothers to work full time, we must make it easier

DREAM JOB ALERT: This woman eats Tim Tams for a living

This incredible mum is giving poor African children a free education

Why having a baby is the best career move for men, but the worst for women

A to Z of blogging: R is for road trip

A to Z of blogging: Q is for quirky

A to Z of blogging: P is for portable