

Labor must not misinterpret Jeremy Corbyn's failure as success

I am alarmed at signs in the United Kingdom and Australia of a tendency to describe the British Labour Party's election result as a success.

While the result had many positive features, Labour's campaign must ultimately be judged as a failure. After all, it lost. Theresa May ran the worst campaign in living memory yet her Conservatives won 56 seats more than the Labour Party.

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'Let us come together': Theresa May

British Prime Minister Theresa May calls for unity as parliament is reconvened for the first time since last week's general election.

It's important to remember that May was invited to form a government as the leader of the party with the most seats (318), compared to Labour (262) and the remainder (62, excluding the Speaker and Sinn Fein).

Jeremy Corbyn deserves recognition for outperforming expectations. It's even possible he opened the way to a subsequent victory.

But it's always dangerous to celebrate losing. I distinctly remember the Australian Labor Party doing it in 1998. We came from much further behind than our British counterparts did; we won more voter support than the Liberals. There was much to celebrate on the night.

But when we woke in the morning we were still the opposition and our opponents were the government.


In July 2016, Bill Shorten went much closer to winning than Corbyn did in June 2017. Bill also confronted a Prime Minister running a three-word-slogan campaign with nothing to back it up.

If Corbyn had won the same percentage of seats as Shorten, he would have won 299. Now that would have been interesting!

The New Statesman says Jeremy Corbyn still requires a 3.6 per cent swing to win next time. In Australia, Bill Shorten needs only 1.4 per cent.

The fact that the British Labour Party was so far behind before the election campaign began is not an autonomous variable. It was the result of an evolving perception of Corbyn as a person who was not seen as an acceptable alternative prime minister.

He may have gone a long way to changing that image during the campaign. Time will tell.

Corbyn certainly did some things that are worth studying. We can all learn lessons from other campaigns.

It's always dangerous to celebrate losing.

I agree with Labor senator Sam Dastyari's assessment that "standing for something will always beat standing for nothing". I am unsure this is a permanent truth for all campaigns everywhere, but it does catch the mood of the times.

It's reflected in the public responses to tax policy announcements at the last Australian election. From the time Shorten announced he would amend negative gearing and capital gains tax, while Malcolm Turnbull announced he would not go ahead with the GST changes, Shorten's approval ratings went up and Turnbull's went down.

All this is not to detract from the fact that Corbyn and his Labour Party outperformed everyone's expectations and generated enthusiasm among university students and other young voters.

But it is meant to serve as a salutary warning. Parties of the left have a bad habit of celebrating glorious losses. I prefer to celebrate victories.

Bob McMullan, a visiting fellow at the ANU's Crawford School of Public Policy, is a former federal Labor minister.