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Canberra is not the 'cool capital' – I asked my cool friends

Jorian Gardner

Published: June 14 2017 - 8:45AM

I returned to the glorious surrounds of the national capital recently after several years away in the black-garbed, hipster-infested cafes of Melbourne working in the troubled hallways of the Victorian Parliament. It's funny how getting some distance on a city, and its people, can give you a whole new perspective.

As I settle back into the world of roundabouts and awful diplomatic drivers, the city feeling like a comfy pair of tracksuit pants that I refuse to throw out even though the bum area is nearly worn through, I find myself reflecting on how blissfully unaware Canberrans, and those who market our city, are to an outsider's view.

After the city was ranked as a cool "new" destination by some travel website and a New York magazine in the last few years (as a result of smart lobbying by local tourism representatives, no doubt), it seems Canberrans now believe the hype about their city, even if no one else does. It's as though as soon as some bearded guys in ironic T-shirts started making coffee in new cafes named after old car garages, and paleo gluten-free bakeries at the foot of million-dollar apartments in "architecturally designed precincts" became a thing, Canberrans suddenly started to think of their city as some sort of "new Melbourne". People behave as though the city suddenly transformed into the "it girl" as soon as it got a few five-star Yelp reviews – the cool chick who dyed her hair pink and became instantly popular.

But I'm afraid the interstaters I've dealt with recently don't see it that way. My multi-year straw poll of interstate cool kids shows me that old views of the city remain almost hopelessly entrenched. With disposable incomes in their pockets and always "getting away for the weekend", none of them would dare to think about a few days in and around the ACT. They still think we're a city of pollies, porn and fireworks, and most of them haven't been here since their mandatory primary school trip of 20 years ago. The ACT government might want you to believe that the rest of the nation is breathlessly embracing brand "CBR" as an "exciting, new tourist destination", but it's not.

The ACT isn't gaining visitors in new visitor segments; we're just getting a little more from the established Canberra tourist demographic (see Floriade). Remember the tourist campaign a few years back where young and groovy "opinion makers" (bloggers and Instagrammers) took selfies hanging out in the cool capital riding Segways, drinking exotic coffee and being "oh so surprised" via their duck-face social media posts at what Canberra had to offer? I'm unsure that had an impact beyond making us feel part of the hip crowd for a few fleeting "likes".

Last year, VisitCanberra's "one good thing after another" campaign fell creatively flat, failing to fire the imagination in the family and short-stay visitor segment – barely moving the needle for its $2 million price tag. Couples aren't flocking here, either – no one has ever uttered the phrase "I am off for a romantic weekend in Canberra". OK, maybe Gareth Evans and Cheryl Kernot, or even Derryn Hinch and Jacqui Lambie, but no one else.

We need an entire rethink of the way we pitch our great city to the rest of the country. We need a provocative, maybe even radical, new marketing message about who and what this city is in 2017. We need a "Skywhale" of tourism marketing that debunks the myths of Canberra as boring and staid and full of public servants and politicians. It's time to fight back against the bigger interstate tourist destinations who elbow us out of the picture in the minds of potential visitors, as though we're Chief Minister Andrew Barr at a COAG photo shoot.

I have no grand plan to offer our marketing gurus. All I know is it's time to employ a different strategy. You're the cool kids, you work it out. But I will offer some advice. Perhaps the folks behind Brand Canberra need to spend a bit of time away from the town and talk to the people they are aiming their message at. It's all about a different perspective.

Jorian Gardner is a theatre producer, journalist and activist, and was a long-time artistic director of Canberra's Fringe Festival.

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