Daily Life

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Your week in the stars


April 21 – May 20

Love deepens and strengthens – if you are emotionally transparent with your sweetheart.  This may mean sharing uncomfortable secrets or admitting past misdemeanours. Raw honesty will bring you much closer and enhance trust.


May 21 – June 21

Overwork causes both emotional and physical stress. Take firm action by delegating, and by getting your diet and exercise habits back under control. Prioritise your health over anything else. 



June 22 – July 23

Your enthusiasm for a pet project may be all it takes to get it off the ground. Speak with passion and you can inspire others to help you. Don't overlook the value of having more people on board.


July 24 – August 23

Home may be claustrophobic, as the whole family is feeling emotional. Getting out of the house as much as possible will dispel any negative energy, leaving you all feeling much happier.


August 24 – September 23

Switch off your gadgets and retreat for at least a few hours' peace and quiet this week. You're suffering from information overload; take time out to consider what is truly essential.


September 24 – October 22

Emotional over-spending could be an issue during this week's full moon. Create a "gratitude journal" so you can see exactly how blessed you already are. You don't need more stuff , you just need to better value what you have.


October 23 – November 22

The full moon in your sign leads to some giddy energies, so don't be surprised if you feel a bit dazed and confused. Speak from the heart and let your feelings show. Emotional honesty is very important now. 


November 23 – December 22

If something or someone from the past is bothering you, this is the ideal week to seek help. Confronting these issues will help you to move on from any guilt or resentment you may still feel.


December 23 – January 20

Good company and good conversation are the most significant things for you this week, so make time for friends and relatives you haven't seen for a while. Get back in touch with your roots and reach out to those who love you.


January 21 – February 20

Go all out to showcase your talents and abilities. At work, people are taking notice for the right reasons, so capitalise on this to prepare for your next career move. You're popular because you're doing a good job.


February 21 – March 20

As an ongoing argument or legal battle comes to a successful conclusion, look up and take in the rest of the world. You've been focused on that one issue for such a long time. Now is your chance to shift your attention.


March 21 – April 20

What have you been hoarding? Whether it's old magazines, "useful" cardboard boxes or childhood clutter, it's time for a clear-out. While you're at it, throw open your emotional closets and let the fresh air in. Let go of grudges and look to the future.