Daily Life


Your stars with Lilith

This week's celestial symmetry features Venus heading into earthy Taurus, Mercury into airy Gemini and Mars into watery Cancer, while late week full moon shines in fiery Sagittarius.

ARIES: The upside of Mars in Cancer? Plenty of energy for positive change. The trickier bit could turn you into an extra-sensitive, easily offended pressure cooker, so don't take this week's mind games and manipulations too seriously. Or personally. And remember whatever part of a person you speak to, that's who'll answer.

TAURUS: Our planetary ruler Venus sashaying into Taurus (one of her favourite homestays), is a material girl in a material world: sensuous, comfort-loving – and stubborn. This week comes with some confidence-boosting socialising, plus it's also prime time for wardrobe re-styling and that extra loving attention to your personal image.

GEMINI: With planet Mercury flying on winged heels into Gemini, no force in the known universe could press your pause button. But this week has a lot going on behind the scenes, and your personal celestial advice is that less verbalising, more observing and listening will give you access to the information you need.

CANCER: If partners are over-assertive this week, you have marvellous Mars bolstering your bravado. Ditch that default setting of scarcity; there's a fountain of availability, a wardrobe of possibilities awaiting your choice. By late week's fiery full moon, you'll be ready for nuzzling up to a warm hearth or heart.

LEO: This week invites you out and about to see and be seen. Which makes good business sense because right now networking is highly worthwhile as long as you're sensibly sceptical of exaggerated claims or over-the-top offers. When late week full moon hits the drama switch, keep calm, dream big, play fair.


VIRGO: Your ruler Mercury in the sign of too-much-information can send Virgo minds into overthink. If some of your pet views or dearest theories are full-frontally challenged this week, resist the obsessive worry loop – just do the necessary overhaul and update, remembering that the Mercurial realm is above all a playful one.

LIBRA: What happens when your boss planet Venus moves into Taurus? The frenetic rhythm of recent weeks lessens to a slower tempo – but one still requiring active participation, especially around Friday's full moon. If you're unable to travel or get out and about, then dance in your living room or do anything that moves you.

SCORPIO: If values clash this week, resist an adversarial position that cements options into oppositions. Aim for the prismatic perspective, achieved by holding something to the light and turning it around to examine different angles. Then end of week the full moon could offer an opportunity to fast-forward the decision on a major move.

SAGITTARIUS: With three planetary shifts plus full moon in your sign, this week's emphasis is on partnerships and teamwork. Compromise and co-operation are required on your part if you don't want a replay of domestic disputes and unrest. You're responsible for your conversational creations. And some things are definitely better left unsaid.

CAPRICORN: If troublesome transactions or challenging dynamics get your Capricorn goat this week, rather than arcing up it's healthier and far more fun to play the charm card. Responding with style and grace is way more rewarding than getting something over and done with just so you can move on to the next chore.

AQUARIUS: Unhappy with this week's status quo and saying so? Then be sure to offer alternatives for channelling strong opinions into productive action and sustainable change. According to the law of physics, we strengthen what we oppose, so it makes scientific sense to pull focus from undesirable conditions on to what you want.

PISCES: With Gemini vibes offering a kaleidoscopic variety of socialising and flirty diversions, forget multi-tasking – this week's challenge is to focus on one project at a time. Best returns accrue from being of service – something you do well. Ignore talk that's behind anyone's back; if something needs to be addressed, do it personally.