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Fake news: Twitter mistakes joke about Fred Nile and Serena Williams as fact

A satirical article which joked Christian Democratic Party leader Fred Nile had called for Serena Williams to lose her Australian Open title as the tennis star, who recently revealed she was pregnant, was really "playing doubles" has achieved internet virality as readers mistook it to be true.

Katie Thorburn, a University of Sydney student, penned the piece for campus newspaper Honi Soit, entitled, "Anti-abortion advocate calls for Serena Williams to be stripped of grand slam title, claiming 'fetal personhood' means she was unfairly advantaged" last week.

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The article, published in the comedy section of the paper's website, stated - fictionally - that Reverend Nile, the NSW MP, had claimed "the fetus technically should have counted as a doubles partner" when Williams won the tournament in January.

Other news parody headlines published in the website's comedy section include, "Local friend appears before human rights tribunal for having their 21st on [Sydney's] Northern Beaches" and "Trump replaces left wing of Air Force One with second right wing".

Despite the article's obvious comic nature, a screenshot of the article published by Twitter user @PollyRosey on Thursday was taken as fact on the social media site. It has so far received 51,000 retweets and more than 100,000 likes.

While some readers pointed out the information was incorrect, a number of Twitter users – including @PollyRosey herself, a student from London – seemed to genuinely believe the article.

"I can hardly see how it's an advantage your body would be going through so much already," she wrote in conversation to fellow Twitter user @_isabellaannie.

The story was subsequently published as fact by a handful of news blogs.

In a report published this morning, Honi Soit editor Michael Sun said 75,000 people had read the article on their website since the tweet was posted, even though the tweet did not have a direct link.

Thorburn, who is the University of Sydney's Women's Officer, told Fairfax Media she wrote the article to highlight what she describes as an "absurdity" surrounding abortion policy and discourse.

"I love the power of comedy to illuminate absurd logic," she said. "That so many people thought [the story] was true shows it's not too far from reality."

The student spoke alongside NSW Greens MP Mehreen Faruqi at a pro-choice rally at Sydney's St Mary's Cathedral last month. She told Fairfax Media she is a supporter of Faruqi's Abortion Law Reform Bill, which calls for the decriminalisation of abortion in NSW, and hoped her satire's popularity would prompt people to think about the issue.

"People are seeing the absurdity in not allowing people to choose what they do with their bodies, and I hope that it's helped people see the need to change our archaic laws."

As news of the story's fake-newsiness spread, the Twitter user who originally posted the screenshots tweeted she thought the comments fictionally attributed to Nile were stupid "whether it's a joke or not".

Writing about the incident for Mic, journalist Marie Solis remarked that, in today's news climate of Trumpisms, the headline may have gained the traction it did because it "seems real".

"In a world where a Missouri state senator joked that women should get abortions at the zoo, it could easily be mistaken for just another day in President Donald Trump's America," she said.