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I Love You Now review: No such thing as no-strings infidelity

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Eternity Playhouse, June 14. Until July 9


A woman. A man. A hotel room. Would that it were so simple.

In what can feel like a closed-loop version of Arthur Schnitzler's classic bed-hopper La Ronde, Jeanette Cronin's new play I Love You Now offers a series of slippery scenes documenting a complex web of infidelity.

It takes a little explaining. Leo is married to June but he's in an affair with Melissa, the wife of his identical twin brother Rob. His attempts to work through that minefield have gone pear-shaped. He's also sleeping with his therapist, Dr Shaw, and indulging in a no-strings fling with the family au pair, Melissa.

June, meanwhile, is sleeping with Rob, her personal trainer Helmut, and a Catholic priest, John, who is also Leo's confessor.

If that's not complex enough, all the characters are played by two actors, Cronin and Paul Gleeson.


For a while, it's possible to think this is a complex role-playing exercise between two people (Harold Pinter's one-act play The Lover springs to mind). I found myself clinging to that idea for as long as I could. Take the piece literally and I Love You Now slips from being intriguing to merely quirky.

Cronin demonstrates flair in her dialogue and a great ear for the peccadilloes of the middle-aged middle class in their struggle for sexual and romantic fulfillment. She shows a wry sense of humour in her handling of fidelity and desire. But the scenes, though entertaining, don't stack up into anything more than a sum of their parts.

Under Kim Hardwick's direction, I Love You Now has a rhythm and elegance that belies the difficulties the script poses in getting actors on, off and around for an entrance opposite. Subtle shifts in light (Martin Kinnane) add a touch of visual variety to designer Isabel Hudson's airport hotel-styled set. Cronin and Gleeson are full of subtle detail and comic zest.

There's a strong musical component to the piece, and while I like the experience of music played live during a show, the placing of composers-musicians Max Lambert (keyboard) and Roger Lock (guitar) outside the panoramic window makes them distractingly present, even though they're trying hard not to be.