

Churchill review: Sentimental, yes, but Winston's portrayal is captivating

​(M) 105 minutes

At least one Churchillian has ripped into Australian director Jonathan Teplitzky's biopic.

Conservative World War II historian Andrew Roberts has put together a catalogue of errors in analysing the film's view of Churchill's behaviour during the lead-up to the Normandy landing on D-Day, June 6, 1944. Professor Roberts is offended by everything from the scenes which have Churchill picking fights with both his wife, Clemmie, and the invasion's commander, Ike Eisenhower, to the sequence in which he chooses to wear a white tie and tailcoat in daylight.

And if that weren't enough, Roberts has also been able to delight in the irony that the film's scriptwriter, fellow historian Alex von Tunzelmann, writes a column in The Guardian rating historical epics and biopics on their accuracy.

Even without his advice, you might be inclined to scepticism. It's hard to believe that Churchill left it quite so late to confront the Allied commanders over his opposition to the invasion. While his misgivings were well known, it's been generally agreed that he didn't express them publicly after the Americans had got their way over the details of the landing's timing and execution.

But the film has him putting on the tailcoat for added gravitas and facing the commanders at a final planning meeting which is held, for some reason, outdoors. And when it's all over, they're so disgusted with his intransigence that an over-heated General Montgomery (Julian Wadham) winds up shouting at him and calling him a bastard.


Much of the film concentrates on life behind the scenes at Number 10, where Churchill is taking out his frustrations on Clemmie when he's not sitting with a whisky in hand, debilitated by depression. And here, it is possible to believe. In any portrayal of Churchill, half the work is done by the props – the polka dot bow tie, the vest and fobwatch, the boiler suits and the ever-present cigars. But that hasn't stopped him being a magnet for Britain's best. He's been played by Albert Finney, Richard Burton, Michael Gambon and Brendan Gleeson, among others.

Yet Brian Cox does something completely unlikely and invests him with a sweet-natured quality which emerges from the swirling cigar smoke in sunny flashes between the storms. Cox is helped by the fact that he, too, has a face which has long since lost its battle with gravity. These attributes add up to one of the most compelling interpretations so far.

And Miranda Richardson's Clemmie is a fitting match for him, although she, too, departs from the script as we've always known it. Instead of the eternally unflappable and infinitely understanding wife, she gives us one whose stoicism is fraying to the point where she's close to calling it quits. And you can see why.

The script is eventually undone by its cliches, one or two of which are shamelessly sentimental, but Cox and Richardson make it all worthwhile. They're a wonderful double act.