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Goodbye Vitamin review: Rachel Khong's ambitious novel about dementia

Goodbye, Vitamin

Rachel Khong

Scribner, $29.99

With her life in San Francisco falling apart, 30-year-old Ruth is receptive to her mother's suggestion that she come home to Los Angeles to help out. For her father is not the man he used to be, despite the cocktails of vitamins and other health foods  her mother keeps feeding him. Writing about dementia is difficult in any genre. This debut novel by a writer not yet out of her 20s is a brave attempt to come to grips with an intractable  state, but it suffers from an odd instability of tone, as though Rachel Khong had been unable to make up her mind whether she was writing a comedy or a tragedy. The answer is "both", but writing about a topic with clear and undeniable elements of both comedy and tragedy requires a firm grip on your material and a musician's gift for control of tone. Khong has neither, so this book is a bumpy if intermittently entertaining read.