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Fear of Abandonment review: Allan Gyngell on Australia's international outlook


Fear of Abandonment: Australia in the World since 1942

Allan Gyngell

La Trobe University Press/ Black Inc, $34.99

It's late 1962. A few girls are sitting in the kitchen of a shared house in Brisbane listening to a cassette tape (the latest technology) made on a riverbank somewhere in Vietnam by a boyfriend, one of the first 30 specialists in guerilla warfare from the Australian army's jungle training school at Canungra sent to Vietnam. Occasionally the tape is fast-forwarded through a personal bit, but it doesn't make a lot of sense anyhow. Our knowledge of Vietnam is poor. 

Even my study of international relations with a visiting American professor whose specialty is the history of American secretaries of state has not made a lot of sense of what is going on. I've scoured the library, but my main sources are the daily papers, Time magazine and Current Notes, a useful compilation put out by the Department of Foreign Affairs. It would have been wonderful to have had this book back then.


Allan Gyngell begins his account of Australian foreign policy with the belated ratification in 1942 of the 1931 Statute of Westminster that granted British dominions the right to conduct their own foreign relations. Australia was reluctant. We preferred the comfort of our long-standing relationship with Britain, our belief that the British navy ruled the waves, that Britain's appetite for our wool and meat was endless. 

However, our long-held anxiety about being a European society on the edge of Asia was developing greater urgency. In 1940, John Latham was sent briefly to Japan, even then a trading partner, and the next year Frederic​ Eggleston was named Australian envoy to China.

Japan's attack on Pearl Harbour in 1941, and Prime Minister John Curtin's "call to America", followed by the fall of the British base in Singapore finally convinced us that as well as needing to maintain allies for the defence of our region, we should be taking engagement with Asia itself seriously, and also supporting the creation of a rules-based world order. This book provides a systematic and coherent account of the ways in which these three aims evolved over the next 75 years. 

As the world to our north has changed, we have had to learn to live with and negotiate decolonisation and the subsequent rise of new nations in Indonesia, India, China and Japan, no longer mediated through their former colonial overlords. The old security of dealing mainly with the English-speaking, Christian democracies of Britain and the US for defence and trade has been challenged by the impact of both nationalism and communism on the different cultures and religions of the societies to our north. 

Gyngell succinctly traces every development as it occurred in a style that suggests the thousands of briefing papers he has written over the years. His experience as a foreign policy insider and a ministerial adviser, appropriately acknowledged, adds a sense of authority and authenticity (as does a text peppered with acronyms – ANZUS, AATTV, DFAT, RBA – there are too many to list it seems). 

His thumbnail sketches of leading characters, prime ministers and ministers for foreign affairs, especially, allow him subtly to evaluate characters and their performances. One of his favourites, Gareth Evans, is admired for his command of the big questions and his drive to enhance Australia's international standing through creativity and grasp. His coverage of how we have managed delicately to maintain trading relations with countries not always on speaking terms with each other, such as Russia and the US, is most illuminating, as is the rationale for trading agreements. 

Given its position as a middle power, however, Australia must generally react to what happens among the major powers rather than set the agenda. This is what Gyngell really means by "fear of abandonment". Our freedom of movement is quite limited even in our own corner of the south Pacific. And right now it is possible that the rules-based international order, earnestly sought by H.V. Evatt through the establishment of the United Nations and strengthened by our now extensive network of treaties and agreements, is threatened by the arrival of President Trump. Our best hope is that our diplomatic web is now so complex and closely linked to international trade that it will survive.

Beverley Kingston is a historian who was trained in Gordon Greenwood's school of Australian international relations. She is the author of The Oxford History of Australia: 1860-1900: Glad Confident Morning and A History of New South Wales.