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All quiet on the Tony front: Abbott vocal everywhere, except Parliament

Tony Abbott is the most high-profile backbencher in Australia, with regular appearances in newspapers, on radio and television and in contributions to Coalition party room debates.

As a former prime minister, he has made the most of the multiple media platforms available to him.

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Another headache for Turnbull

Questions have been raised about Malcolm Turnbull's leadership amid backbench angst over the Finkel report into energy security and prices.

But there is one place the member for Warringah has remained largely silent: question time.

From his perch on the backbench, Mr Abbott has asked just one "Dorothy Dixer" question of a government minister in the current Parliament.

That one question was back on October 12, 2016, when Mr Abbott asked Trade Minister Steve Ciobo to "update the House on how the expanded Singapore-Australia Free Trade Agreement will support the government's plan for jobs and growth?"

The only MP to have asked fewer questions is Sussan Ley, who until January was Health Minister, but who has not asked a question since losing her ministry and moving to the backbench. Ms Ley has spoken on 14 occasions, though never on a government bill.


A fellow former minister, Stuart Robert, has asked just three questions but, in what is more usual practice, he has spoken to government bills and contributes regularly in the chamber.

Other than Mr Abbott's one question, he has spoken just four times in the Parliament, on local matters related to his seat, on Papua New Guinea, and to give a personal explanation over his position on the Adler shotgun.

He has never given a speech on a government bill. 

In contrast to Mr Abbott, marginal seat holders Luke Howarth and Lucy Wicks lead the way with 17 questions each to government ministers during question time. 

Fellow MPs Nicolle​ Flint, Michelle Landry and Sarah Henderson, who also hold seats on tight margins, have asked 16 questions each, while Julia Banks and David Coleman have asked 14 questions each.

It is common practice for marginal seat holders to be given more questions in the chamber, to help raise their profile, and Mr Abbott's seat of Warringah is safe Liberal territory.

But even allowing for the fact that Mr Abbott's seat is safe, the figures beg the question: is the Turnbull government avoiding giving the former prime minister a question?

Fairfax has contacted the office of the leader of the house Christopher Pyne, and Mr Abbott, for a response.

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