

Meet the boss: BWS chief Guy Brent

If Guy Brent is ever out of work, it's unlikely he'll have to explain what his past employers did: the British-born CEO of Woolworths-owned liquor chain BWS, has spent his career working for companies most will instantly recognise.

In London, the former "finance guy" started his career at BSkyB (now Sky). After meeting his wife "as so many people do - at work", the pair moved back to Australia, where Brent took on roles at Foxtel, Optus and Cellarmasters, of which he was chief financial officer when it was sold to Woolworths.

At that time, the Woolworths CFO told Brent the company offered great opportunities for those in general management: "He proved to be right," he says.

Brent stayed on to set up and integrate Cellarmasters into the Woolworths group, before a stint running Pinnacle Drinks (an internal supply group to Woolworths).

For the past three years he's been CEO of BWS, with its 1300 stores and 7500 employees.

"I was really looking for what the biggest lever was that I could pull. It became very clear to me that the difference between having an engaged, strong store manager in a store versus a mediocre or a poor performer was pretty significant in terms of business performance and financial performance. Really, the biggest opportunity for us was to empower and engage our store managers," he says.



Maybe. At least if, like Brent, you are a true believer in the power of leadership.

"I really believe in autonomy, mastery and purpose as the key to engaging people. That's been at the core of our strategy," Brent says.

To drive home the autonomy element, and prove to BWS store managers they had the ability to drive the direction of their local outlets, Brent changed their job titles from "store manager" to "store CEO".

"I really believe there is power in words. That changed their mindset and made it so they took more accountability for the running of the store, for the team, and for the customer service they were delivering," he says.

Mastery – also known as training – has also played a key role, including up the line.

"We've had to train our area managers who were managing our store CEOs to treat them differently; to be more like coaches, to be less directive and to coach the store CEOs to be the best they can be," he says.

Change hasn't been instant, but it's been effective. Over the last three years BWS has seen significant shifts, first in engagement then in sales and profitability. Now, Brent believes he has a sustainable strategy in place - one he says is gaining momentum.

It's also given Brent the chance to play in his own area of passion: leadership.

"I think a lot of people talk culture and a lot of people talk leadership: I wonder how many people really live it and have it as their core purpose.

"I'm very clear on what my purpose is: I believe everyone deserves to work for a great leader, and my personal purpose is about unleashing leadership potential," he says.


Name: Guy Brent

Current position: CEO of BWS

Responsibilities: Leadership and strategic direction of Australia's largest liquor retailer with 1300 stores and 7500 employees.

Education: Bachelor of Economics and Accounting, University of Bristol; Chartered Accountant qualification.

Additional training/courses: Executive coaching and leadership development courses driven by his personal purpose: to create 'leaders worth following'.

Professional associations: Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors; Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales.

Strength: A good combination of strong strategic and financial acumen as a result of my CFO background, and then I combine that with a real passion for driving leadership and cultural change.

Weakness: I read a lot and get pretty enthusiastic about new things I see that we can try in the business. Given BWS is a pretty big business, I've had to learn to temper that: really it's about sticking to a strong and simple strategy with a few key initiatives you really drive hard to get traction across the business. Now, the new ideas I bring in I make sure tie in to those key initiatives and strategies.

Management style and tips: [For me, management is] about three things: clarity around strategy and accountabilities; trusting and empowering people; and then finally it's about inspecting and verifying that they're doing what you're trusting them to do." Work motto: "Motivating people using the principles of autonomy, mastery and purpose."