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Why I'm torn about Manny Pacquiao

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Manny Pacquiao is not Filipino but Scottish. In fact, he is Braveheart.

Sitting here, in his favourite Japanese restaurant in Manila, one of the greatest pound-for-pound boxers in the world delivers his best impression of William Wallace.

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"They may take away our lives but they will never take our freedom!" Pacquiao says with surprisingly believable Scottish inflection as he steals the Mel Gibson line from the 1995 Hollywood blockbuster.

Then he bursts into laughter. We all do. It's impossible not to laugh with him. After a few days in his company, it's impossible to not to love and admire Manny Pacquiao.

And to forget. Specifically, to look beyond his outrageous views about homosexuality and his endorsement of the death penalty for "drug-related" crimes.

The Pacquiao fairytale is starting to become very familiar, but it never dulls: the street kid who rose from poverty to boxing greatness to the Robin Hood-like character who built a thousand homes for the poor to the politician who many believe is the future president of the Philippines.


Hollywood will make a biopic about him one day and don't be surprised if Pacquiao insists he plays the lead role. During dinner, he shows us a trailer from one of the handful of movies he has starred in. In this particular one, he is channelling Stallone in Rambo.

He shows the trailer on one of his three mobile phones: one's for business, one's for family, the third is for everyone else.

It's extraordinary access to a global sporting superstar. Over these past few days in Manila, Pacquiao has charmed the travelling Australian media with affection, humility and humour.

He's welcomed us into his home, allowed us to jog the streets alongside him, do crunches with him, do pad work with him at his training sessions. And then he took us to dinner and insisted he pay. The next morning, we learn the bill was $US4000 ($5400).

Over three hours, he provided fascinating and quirky insight into his life.

He drinks six litres of water a day and has a pan beside the bed because he has to urinate so frequently during the night. He has a new boxing game for mobile phones called "Manny". And then he showed us how to play it.

He once owned nightclubs and casinos and they were filled with girls, but in 2010 he sold the lot. That was the last time he had a sip of alcohol and gravitated towards God.

He says Floyd Mayweather was his toughest and smartest opponent and thinks Mayweather will easily account for UFC champion Conor McGregor if they ever fight, but loathes the lack of regard the American has for his fans.

On that score, Pacquiao is faultless.

Amid the chaos of his life, as so many people pull and tug at him, always wanting something from him, he remains unflappable.

As he wrapped his own hands in plaster before a gruelling training session on Thursday night, fans who had made their way into the gym harassed him for photos, signatures and a chat.

As I watched all of this, I felt tempted to bark at them: "Leave the bloke alone! He's trying to wrap his bloody hands!"

It wouldn't have mattered: Pacquiao has time for everyone, no matter who they are. He stopped briefly, smiled for the camera, kept wrapping his hands.

Afterwards, as sweat oozed out of every pore, people standing on the side of the ring were in his ear. They wanted something, too, and by something we mean cash.

Pacquiao is legendary for just handing over wads of American dollars to whoever needs it, so much so that those in his inner circle tell you that it's too much; that too many people take advantage of his sense of charity.

And while Pacquiao is doing all this giving what he doesn't give us is an opportunity to respectfully ask about the issues that trouble you and others the most. The issues that hurt the Pacquiao legend.

Some Filipinos would prefer him to be retired from his sport before taking on politics. They don't know how he can juggle both.

Meanwhile, Senator Pacquiao has been the loudest voice in the Upper House about reintroducing the death penalty – which was abolished in 2006 – as part of President Duterte's controversial witch-hunt on drug traffickers and users.

A country's stance on drugs is a matter for them but the thousands of people who have already been killed by police in dubious circumstances has raised serious questions about human rights. Some point to a corrupt justice system and fear the death penalty isn't just inhumane but will be unjust.

Yet it's Pacquiao's anti-gay comments in February last year that have attracted the most heat.

He quickly said his infamous comment to Filipino television about homosexuals being "worse than animals" was taken out of context. He apologised but it wasn't enough to prevent him losing his lucrative sponsorship deal with Nike.

The day after, he cited on Instagram an infamous verse from Leviticus 20.13: "If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death, their blood will be on their own heads."

The post was later removed – after 18,000 people had "liked" it.

A day after that, Pacquiao said at a training session in his home town of General Santos: "What I am saying is right. I mean I am just stating the truth, what the Bible says."

Some Filipino homosexuals claim a great moral hypocrisy from their national sporting hero: that Pacquiao can condemn same-sex marriage despite his much-publicised infidelities in his own marriage.

How many other athletes with this much star power would get away with such abhorrent remarks? Would Usain Bolt? LeBron James? Roger Federer?

Pacquiao is hugely popular in Australia. His fight against Jeff Horn on July 2 will fill Suncorp Stadium.

Why do fans generally ignore Pacquiao's position on sexuality but widely slam Anthony Mundine when he says Aboriginal culture and homosexuality don't mix?

Pacquiao's stance can be dismissed as being taken out of context; as being lost in translation; as being the views of "the majority of the country", as one local explained it to me.

There's also an argument that we should just worry about Pacquiao and his boxing, but we can't when so much of his own story – as told by him and perpetuated by those around him – focuses on his personal struggle, the charity he now provides.

I came to Manila wanting to clarify these issues but you soon realise it's impossible to speak to him one-on-one when so many people want a piece of him.

So I'll have to wait for the biopic. In the meantime, I'll play his boxing game on my mobile phone instead and stand in line for a selfie like everyone else.

The author travelled to Manila courtesy of Duco Events.