

Tiger Woods disoriented, unsteady in video of arrest

Florida: A video of Tiger Woods' arrest for driving under the influence, released on Wednesday by the Jupiter police, showed the golfer disoriented, unsteady on his feet and unable to follow directions about reciting the alphabet.

The world-famous golfer was arrested after 2am on Monday after police saw his black Mercedes parked awkwardly to the side of the road, about eight miles from his home on Jupiter Island.

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Tiger Woods repeatedly fails DUI tests

The American professional golfer fails simple DUI test after test in dash cam footage.

Police released the full arrest report on Tuesday, including such details as officers finding Woods asleep at the wheel and that both tires on the driver's side were flat.

The video was obtained and posted by TMZ. It shows police telling Woods to put his hands behind his back as they prepared to handcuff him.

Earlier in the tape, while he still is in the car, Woods responds to one of the officers by politely saying "Yes, sir." Later, he is asked to recite his A-B-Cs and starts walking and swaying, then asks, "What are we doing?"

Woods, wearing a long-sleeved white shirt, dark shorts and a golf cap, was told by police that he did not have to walk anywhere.


At another point, the tape shows Woods bending down to tie his shoelace as one of the police officers tells him, "It's your other shoe that's untied, man".

When police search him and ask him if he is wearing a necklace or anything similar, he says "a few screws in the body ... one screw in my knee ... " referring to surgical procedures.

Woods' only comment since the arrest was a statement released Monday evening, in which he said "alcohol was not involved" and that his condition was related to prescription drugs. The report indicated that he registered .000 on a Breathalyser test.

He told police at the scene that he has prescriptions for four medications, including the pain killer Vicodin. He recently had his fourth back surgery, a fusion procedure that he said last week he needed because the pain had been so great.

A spokesperson for Nike, for which Woods has long been a leading product endorser, said in an email that "there is no change in our relationship with Tiger."

PGA Tour commissioner Jay Monahan, at the Memorial Tournament in Dublin, Ohio, told The Associated Press, "I think Tiger's statement on Monday night, where he apologised and he said he was going to do everything he can in his power to make sure this doesn't happen again, I think says everything. He's a member of our family, and we're going to do everything we can to help and support him."

Jason Day, one of Woods' successors as the No. 1 golfer in the world and a friend who considers Woods a mentor, said at the same tournament, "It's tough to see him go through this ... I did contact him, but obviously I'm sure a lot of people are concerned about his health, as well. He didn't get back to me, but that's totally understandable. I'm totally fine with that. And once again, I'm hoping that his health comes back and he can get back out on the golf course."