Report following Queensland electoral complaints blasts ECQ management

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This was published 7 years ago

Report following Queensland electoral complaints blasts ECQ management

By Felicity Caldwell

The Electoral Commission of Queensland's management style and culture is secretive, authoritarian, silo-based and non-consultative, a scathing report reveals.

A panel chaired by former Brisbane lord mayor Jim Soorley was tasked with reviewing the conduct of the 2016 local government elections, the referendum on fixed four-year terms and the Toowoomba South byelection.

A new report recommends several changes before the next election.

A new report recommends several changes before the next election.Credit: Joe Castro

It came after several complaints following the elections and referendum, which were managed by the ECQ.

The report reveals issues related to technology, communication, the postal voting system, the roles and management of returning officers and other staff, staffing numbers, training of staff and the organisation of the ballot processes.

The local government election report.

The local government election report.Credit: Felicity Caldwell

The report, tabled in Queensland Parliament on Thursday morning, said senior management staff often did not attend, or would leave early from, important meetings regarding election issues and planning.

"The management style seemed to be a 'top down' approach, with many decisions made offline and staff were informed without consultation," Mr Soorley wrote in his foreword.

The culture was described as one of insecurity and avoidance, with poor staff engagement and communication.

While an employee engagement survey from 2016 found there was significant improvement in management, there was still some way to go.


Mr Soorley said the engagement of a specialist consultant would help with cultural change.

One of the biggest problems for the 2016 election were IT issues. While the ECQ relied heavily on technology, it did not have a permanent and full-time chief information officer.

The elections results system could not cope with the large volume of data on election night, which led to delays, and the ECQ's security firewall interpreted the enormous increase in traffic to its website as a denial of service attack.

Mr Soorley said the panel was unable to meet with electoral commissioner Walter van der Merwe on his own, as he was always accompanied by the assistant commissioner, who took the lead on responding to most issues.

"It seems that there is a division of responsibility between the two. Their interactions and behaviour has the semblance of 'good cop bad cop' management style," he said.

There were also inadequate staff numbers at pre-polling and election days for the 2016 local government election, insufficient training and a lack of clarity around their work hours.

Mr Soorley said the postal vote system was beset with problems, in part because of the content of ECQ communication materials such as a standard "voter information letter", which led to confusion, unreturned ballot papers and invalid ballot papers, as some postal-only voters believed they had to attend a polling booth.

Shockingly, Cook Shire had 650 discarded ballot papers and another 500 that were not returned - out of an enrolment of 2415 people, with confusion and incomplete declarations to blame.

There was also insufficient staff at the call centre, and 37 per cent of election day calls were abandoned.

There was no clear agreement on budgets for the elections and the referendum between the ECQ and the Local Government Association of Queensland, with an underspent budget of $4 million impacting on resources.

The panel said the election day for council elections in Queensland should be relocated to October or November, to avoid wet tropical conditions and make it easier to prepare council budgets.

While some stakeholders argued there should be compulsory preferential voting for all councils, the panel recommended the current system remain.

Mr Soorley said the problems required urgent action before the next election.

The report criticised the ECQ's internal report following the election and said it "glossed over" many issues within the organisation.

The panel recommended the ECQ introduce electronic voting by the 2020 election at some pre-polling and polling booths, which the ECQ said it supported and would take into consideration in planning for the next council elections.

The panel also recommended the ECQ investigate full online voting, and asked: "Is it time to now ban how-to-vote cards in Queensland?"

The panel also criticised instances where returning officers appointed family members and friends as polling booth staff.

It said recruitment of returning officers was inadequate, inconsistent and lacking consistency, and some were paid up to $30,000 for the 2016 election.

The ECQ will prepare a recruitment strategy for elections, but said circumstances may arise where it may be required to hire family members at polling booths, such as in isolated areas.

Mr van der Merwe said the ECQ supported most of the recommendations, and had already begun implementation, with several to be in place for the 2020 local government elections.

But Mr van der Merwe took issue with some aspects of the report, including an allegation of absences from meetings, stating he or the assistant commissioner chaired every meeting.

He also said the ECQ consulted with all 77 councils to limit the cost to ratepayers.

The ECQ has engaged a consultant to change management and organisational culture and has amended its structure.

Attorney-General Yvette D'Ath said the government would consider permanent dates for local government elections.

The government will consider retaining optional preferential voting for council elections at least until after the next election, in consultation with the LGAQ.

Ms D'Ath she had written to the ECQ Commissioner asking him to report back regularly on the progress of implementations of the recommendations.

She said a future Labor government committed to doing an assessment of early voting processes for state and local elections.

The local government elections and the referendum on fixed four-year terms were held on March 19, 2016, with a participation rate of 83.04 per cent and an informality rate of 4.34 per cent.

About 417,000 postal vote ballots were sent to electors, with a return rate of 321,000.

But in the 21 councils using postal-only voting, 23 per cent of registered voters did not participate at all.

Some postal vote applications were delivered after election day and some ballots were lost or damaged in wet weather in north Queensland.

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