Insults on tap
Is it polite to serve drinking water from a hose?
Is it polite to serve drinking water from a hose?
When I make a restaurant booking, I'm asked to choose between 6.30pm or 8.30pm. Why can't I eat when I want?
On public transport, I smile at Muslim women to show my support. But am I "othering" them?
My eight-year-old's teacher doesn't understand how to use apostrophes. Should I enlighten her?
Years ago, I gave my sister an expensive hand soap. It's still sitting in her cupboard.
Maybe it's best to just stick to safe, non-personal, current affairs topics since you want to remain mature about it.
How do we avoid unwanted gatecrashers staying at our new beach house?
Can you give grief to someone using their late mum's disability parking sticker?
You could say something but you might not like what she says back.
My neighbour hates my wind chimes. Should I care?
How blunt can I be with a local busker about their long-term earning prospects?
When checkout staff ask, “Get up to much today?”, how much should I share?
My brother's at the park with his grandkids. But strangers are suspicious.
Is it acceptable for someone to blast music at a beach?
Others are already at the pedestrian lights. But can I trust they've pressed the button?
When it comes to compassionate leave after a pet dies, what's fair?
Did my fellow audience member flout the laws of Upturned Collarism?
What to do when the birthday party isn't as good as the gift you brought?
At my church, a new parishioner asked me to bless two purchases. I'm not a priest.
My daughter doesn't believe in the tooth fairy. So do I have to fork out for her baby teeth?
Would it be rude to ask my brother-in-law who smokes to wash his hands before holding my baby?
Should I rescue Christmas beetles trapped lying on their backs?
Can I exact revenge on those who send glittery Christmas cards?
How do you pass a hand-holding couple on a narrow walkway?
In public places, smartphones are the new cigarettes. How to get strangers to stop lighting up?
My wife always leaves the kettle on the stove the wrong way round for a right-hander.
On a plane, I watched an old lady struggling to play Solitaire. Should I have intervened?
I'm secretly adding more fibre to my husband's food. Should I tell him?
I received an expensive bouquet for helping out a charity. Er...
I'm 10. If a girl passes me a note in class, do I read it or hand it to the teacher?
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