
How Sydney can keep its power during heatwaves

Heatwaves that pushed NSW's electricity supplies to the brink in February will become more common in the future, a ...

The Berejiklian government will issue warnings of potential threats to electricity supplies from this summer after its review of February's heatwave found the power sector to be vulnerable.

Westpac branded as 'wimps' over coal pledge

Westpac has advised customers that may have entered information into the phishing page to contact it immediately.

Westpac's decision to effectively rule out lending to the proposed giant Adani coal mine in Queensland has drawn praise from environmentalists but derision from the government and industry.

As rising seas erode shorelines, Tasmania shows what can be lost

Gravestones mark the 19th-century burial sites mostly of convicts from the historic Port Arthur prison.

Maybe the hardened convicts who carved the 19th-century gravestones dotting this tiny Tasmanian island were barely literate, or perhaps one of them just had a wicked sense of humour. Schoolmaster Benjamin Horne went to his repose in 1843 with this sentence chiselled above his head: "Sincerely regretted by all who knew him."