

'The wrong cancer': Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme failing rare cancer sufferers

In some ways, Sarah McGoram and her husband Tom have been incredibly lucky in life.

They count meeting each other - on a serendipitous bus trip to Sydney to watch the Bledisloe Cup many years ago -  and their very brave 10-year-old boy George among their many blessings.

In other ways though, the Canberra couple are incredibly unlucky.

Both have been diagnosed with rare, debilitating diseases which require treatments that can cost up to a quarter of a million dollars per year.

The difference is the fortnightly, intravenous enzyme replacements Tom needs to treat his Fabry's disease are subsidised through the Lifesaving Drugs Program.

Sarah is in an arms race against her own body, requiring a new drug every couple of years to fight the gastrointestinal stromal tumours that erupt in her small bowel and liver.


Because she has burned through so many different treatments, she can no longer get funding through the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme for the drugs keeping her alive.

"You kind of wonder how that squares with common sense," Tom said.

Sarah and Tom McGoram, with son George,10, and dog Winston in the yard of their Gungahlin home.

Sarah and Tom McGoram, with son George,10, and dog Winston in the yard of their Gungahlin home. Photo: Karleen Minney

'We are really optimistic'

Sarah has lived the past 20 years in hope that a cure for her cancer will one day be found.

Diagnosed aged 18, each new drug discovered has helped to extend her life by one, two, three years. She hopes it will be enough to allow her to see George grow up.

"Optimism is the only thing that gets us through and we are really optimistic," Sarah said.

But Sarah is slowly running out of options.

She exhausted all the drugs on the PBS in 2015, the same year two-thirds of her liver was cut out because of the tumours.

Her current drug, Regorafenib, should cost more than $300 a day as it is not PBS-approved for her kind of cancer.

She's lucky enough to get it for free right now through Bayer's compassionate access program.

Should Regorafenib stop working, she can go back to Imatinib, the 'first line' of treatment she began taking in 2010 once it became clear surgery alone would no longer cut it to keep her cancer at bay.

New clinical trials have shown going back to the drug could help curb the tumour growth. 

But Imatinib is only approved as a first line of treatment for her kind of cancer under the PBS.

"Therefore, if I start taking Imatinib again it will not be subsidised. I will have to pay approximately $10,000 a month for the exact same treatment that cost me $36 a month in 2010-2012," she said.

"That's not a good scenario for anyone but we don't look too far ahead, we just look at what my options are now and we know right now the medication I'm on is working and there are further treatments."

Listen to Sarah and Tom's story here:

'The wrong cancer'

Chief executive of Rare Cancers Australia Richard Vines said the problem with the PBS stemmed from its good intentions.

"The PBS requires a standard of evidence you can only produce if you've got a lot of patients," he said.

"The system that was set up to make sure taxpayer money was well spent demanded this standard of evidence."

Mr Vines wryly observed Sarah had the "wrong" kind of cancer.

"If she had a melanoma and was looking to go on one of those drugs it would be free," Mr Vines said.

Rare cancers account for about half of all cancer deaths, he said, but if broken down, cancer-by-cancer, individual sufferers would only number in the dozens.

But if the drugs were repurposed to treat a kind of mutation, and not just a kind of cancer, you could suddenly treat 10 cancers with the one drug, he said. "That's huge."

A spokeswoman for the PBS said the commission could recommended a medicine be subsidised for all patients with a particular genetic mutation if the evidence supported it. 

Sarah and Tom McGoram say clinical trials into rare cancers give them hope.

Sarah and Tom McGoram say clinical trials into rare cancers give them hope. Photo: Karleen Minney

'The research gives us hope'

One of the reasons Tom fell in love with Sarah was the "inspirational" way she handled her cancer prognosis.

She has suffered through every kind of clinical trial to help prolong if not her life, the life of the next person diagnosed.

The couple will continue to lobby for pharmaceutical companies to test drugs for their effect on types of mutations rather than named diseases.

"That's the way to make progress, focus on the types of mutations involved and that makes them more financially viable and easier to approve," Tom said.

Sarah said she pinned much of her hope on the clinical trials she has undergone, as they have gotten her this far.

"I know the clinical trials gave me tremendous hope and the research gives us hope," she said.