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The big five cancer killers: Australia's greatest health burden revealed in Australian Institute of Health and Welfare report

Cancers are responsible for more years of life lost than any other health condition, the latest Australian Institute of Health and Welfare has confirmed.

All cancers combined have the biggest impact on health than any other disease group, according to the latest "Burden of cancer in Australia" report released on Wednesday.

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Living with cancer

54-year-old Dan Gaffney was diagnosed with multiple myeloma in 2014, which affects bone marrow.

Cardiovascular disease may be more common and carry a higher death toll, but cancer kills younger, resulting in more years of life lost, it found.

The report calculated cancer burden in terms of years of life lost due to early cancer death and the years of healthy life lost due to living with cancer.

Cancer accounted for 19 per cent of the total burden of disease compared with 15 per cent from cardiovascular disease. "Mental and substance use disorders" and musculoskeletal disorders accounted for another 12 per cent each.

Cancer burden was almost entirely due to dying prematurely, with cancer accounting for 782,349 years of life lost. Only 6 per cent of the burden was due to living with cancer.


The high mortality burden meant cancers were responsible for the most "fatal burden" of all disease groups; one third in males and 36 per cent in females.

The big five – lung, bowel, breast, prostate and pancreatic cancers – accounted for almost half of the total cancer burden, the data sourced from the 2011 Australian Burden of Disease study showed.

Lung cancer was the most deadly, accounting for close to one in five years of life lost. Bowel and breast cancer accounted for another 19.1 per cent of the fatal cancer burden, followed by pancreatic (5.6 per cent) and prostate cancers (5.1 per cent).

Children and young adults were most burdened by brain cancers, blood cancers (leukemia, Hodgkin's and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma) and benign and uncertain neoplasms.

Almost one quarter (22 per cent) of the total cancer burden could be attributed to tobacco use.

"Overall, the burden from cancer lessened between 2003 and 2011 – down by 10 per cent – and this same pattern was seen across most individual cancer types," AIHW spokesperson Michelle Gourley said.

"Improvements in total burden were seen in most cancer types – the exceptions were liver cancer and thyroid cancer, which in 2011 were 1.3 times the burden in 2003," the report report.

But the cancer burden disproportionately weighed on the most disadvantaged Australians, the report showed.

Cancer burden among Indigenous Australian had worsened.

"Indigenous Australians experienced a cancer burden 1.7 times that of non-Indigenous Australians, and the gap was particularly notable when it came to lung cancer," she said.

Indigenous males had a lung cancer burden 2.3 times that of non-Indigenous males, and Indigenous women had a lung cancer rate 2.3 times higher than their non-Indigenous counterparts.

Lung, bowel and prostate cancer burden rose with increasing socioeconomic disadvantage, the report showed.

Poorer Australians and those living in remote areas also had higher rates of cancer, with people in the lowest socioeconomic group having a lung cancer burden almost twice the rate of the highest socioeconomic group (8.1 per 1000 people versus 4.2 per 1000 people).

Breast cancer followed a similar pattern but with only minor variations in burden across the socioeconomic scale.

The lowest socioeconomic groups (the bottom 20 per cent of the population) had a larger proportion of elderly and Indigenous populations as well as individuals with disability compared with higher groups.