Tougher company director ID requirements under spotlight

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This was published 7 years ago

Tougher company director ID requirements under spotlight

By Anna Patty and Workplace Editor

The introduction of company director identification numbers to help prevent the deliberate liquidation of companies to avoid paying workers' entitlements and tax is being considered by the federal government.

A Federal Treasury spokeswoman told Fairfax Media the introduction of a director identification number had been recommended by a Productivity Commission inquiry and a Senate economics committee inquiry into insolvency in the construction industry and was being considered.

Labor spokesman for employment, Brendan O'Connor. Labor said it would adopt as policy the introduction of ID numbers for all Australian company directors.

Labor spokesman for employment, Brendan O'Connor. Labor said it would adopt as policy the introduction of ID numbers for all Australian company directors. Credit: SMH

"The government is considering its response to these reports," the Treasury spokeswoman said.

Fraudulent phoenix activity involves the evasion of tax and other liabilities, including employee entitlements, through the sometimes repeated liquidation of companies. Like the mythical phoenix, a new company emerges from the "ashes" of the failed company, free of its former debts.

Professor Helen Anderson has been involved in extensive research into phoenix activity.

Professor Helen Anderson has been involved in extensive research into phoenix activity.

It has been estimated that phoenix activity costs the Australian economy more than $2 billion each year, including at least $600 million in lost tax revenue. The actual size of the problem has not been costed because it is not always clearly reported or identified.

Professor Helen Anderson and colleagues from Melbourne University Law School and Monash Business School have conducted extensive research into phoenix activity and have recommended the introduction of director identification numbers to help prevent people from registering companies under false identities.

"Rather than a director having to just fill out a form and putting down a false name or birthdate, they would have to go to the post office and prove their ID with 100 points of identification," Professor Anderson said. "That would assist ASIC in tracking these people."

Last month, Federal Labor said it would adopt as policy the introduction of ID numbers for all Australian company directors to prevent them deliberately tanking their companies and avoiding paying tax and workers' entitlements. Labor's policy commits to forcing all company directors to undergo a 100-point identity check.


Labor is also promising tougher penalties for dodgy directors and stronger protections for employee entitlements.

In 2012, the former Labor government introduced legislation, the Corporations Amendment (Phoenixing and Other Measures) Act, to help ASIC wind up deregistered companies to help employees access compensation under the Commonwealth's Fair Entitlements Guarantee scheme.

When Labor introduced the new laws it said the legislation would fulfil a 2010 pre-election promise to "crack down on phoenixing".

However, Professor Anderson said that piece of legislation was "never meant to be targeting phoenix" activity.

"It wasn't about attacking phoenixing, it was about helping the victims of deregistration, some of which would be victims of phoenixing, access the Fair Entitlements Guarantee".

Professor Anderson said about 84 companies had been deregistered then wound up by ASIC as at mid-2016 under the powers granted by the legislation.

"But we have figures from ASIC that there are possibly about 40,000 companies deregistered every year for failing to return their forms and pay their ASIC fees," Professor Anderson said.

"How many of those are phoenixes, we have absolutely no idea. There is no reliable way to estimate."

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