
John Hewson

John Hewson is a professor at the Crawford School of Public Policy, ANU, and a former Liberal opposition leader.

Alan Finkel wants to keep the lights on and wants to keep the system stable so that new operators feel able to invest. ...

Politicians must see bigger picture over power supplies

It was hoped that the Finkel review of the national electricity market would provide the basis to negotiate an end to the "climate wars". Unfortunately it seems to have just raised these wars to an even higher level of concern and absurdity.

Malcolm Turnbull's is an '"insult, offence and humiliation" to the silent majority of the electorate,

Turnbull won't stay in power by defending the indefensible

In today's very uncertain and unpredictable world of politics, it is difficult to be very sure about much. Yet, as sure as I can be, the Turnbull government will not win the next election by moving further and further to the "right".