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No justice for Luna: owner hits out at conviction handed to dog's killer

The owner of a labrador stabbed to death by a Mirrabooka man has slammed the sentence handed down to him by the Perth Magistrates Court on Thursday.

Jayde Paul Rowan was handed a seven month suspended sentence by chief magistrate Steven Heath for the attack on the four-year-old dog named Luna in a Mirrabooka park last month. 

Owner Bridgette Millen told media the verdict was not justice for her beloved pet.

"I'm very disappointed, upset and angry in the conviction because that not only doesn't give justice to Luna but it also shows everyone... that it's not only okay to carry a knife and get away with it but it's also okay to hurt a harmless animal," she said.

"No animal lover would do that to animal. I speak for everyone who owns an animal when I say that."

Rowan's lawyer had argued the man had believed his puppy was in danger from Ms Millen's two dogs, 6PR reporter Michael Stamp reported.


"Rowan was walking his own dog, a seven-month-old staffy cross, and the two Labradors of the owners began to circle him," Mr Stamp said.

"He believed there was a perceived threat so he took a pocket knife from his pocket and stabbed it. He wanted to deter the dogs.

"His lawyer Michael Tudori said the injury was unfortunately a life-threatening wound which he did not mean to do, and said he was totally remorseful. [He said the act] had been out-of-character, and Rowan was actually an animal lover."

"Chief magistrate [Steven Heath] said he understood Mr Rowan was an animal lover but it was an error having the knife. He said there were other ways to fend off this dog, and there was an overreaction and it wasn't a case of prolonged torture for the dog- as the dog died immediately."

Ms Millen said Luna was a gentle animal, and well-trained.

"Luna used to sleep next to me every night, she'd come in the car with me - just everywhere I went, she was with me. She was my little baby. I had her trained really well.

"He should have thought about carrying a knife with him - [he could have] not only hurt an animal, but possibly hurting a person."

Animal activists and protesters attended the sentencing, and jeered Rowan- calling him a "murderer" and a "maggot".

Ms Millen's friends Kayla and Melissa spoke to 6PR outside the court. 

"Luna was Bridgette's baby and Chocco's soulmate. As you can imagine with anyone who's an animal-lover, or a pet-owner the loss of a pet can be tragic and devastated for most. Bridgette is such a kind-hearted soul- those dogs were her babies and she's lost her companion that's got her through every tough time," Kayla said.

"We're really disappointed with today's outcome. Especially considering he had a concealed weapon, we were expecting harsher penalties for the death of Luna... [this sentence] is nothing," Kayla said.

"We're going to continue to advocate for changes to the Animal Welfare Act... we will work with Bridgey to try and see a change. It's going to take some time but Mr McGowan needs to get on board and these penalties need to be harsher.

When asked about what her message would be to Mr Rowan, Melissa said she didn't believe he was truly remorseful.

"Your story today in court was false. Neither Labrador circled you, it was disappointing you felt you needed to change the story so that the judge was lenient on you... a letter to Bridgette isn't going to bring back her labrador.

"He needs to show greater remorse and needs to be put in jail and he needs to think about what he did a little greater than just sitting at home," she said.