Political donations: time for an independent overseer

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This was published 7 years ago

Political donations: time for an independent overseer

By Sean Nicholls

Australian democracy may yet owe a serious debt of gratitude to Sam Dastyari, the mercurial Labor Senator from NSW.

It was last year's political storm over Dastyari's decision to allow a Chinese-Australian businessman pay a private debt that sparked the intense focus on foreign donations culminating in last week's Four Corners/Fairfax Media investigation.

The revelations have prompted a renewed push for the parliament to seriously consider a ban on foreign donations in order to safeguard Australian politics from external influence.

Given the millions of dollars that have flowed into major party coffers from key donors like businessmen Huang Xiangmo – and the ASIO warnings about this delivered to the major parties uncovered by the media investigation – it would be a welcome step.

Labor senator Sam Dastyari is calling for a ban on political donations.

Labor senator Sam Dastyari is calling for a ban on political donations.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

But at the same time, it would be unwise to assume that our political leaders are finally getting serious about concerns over private interests injecting large amounts of cash into our national politics.

The sad reality is that the enthusiastic focus on overseas donor reform simply reinforces the deep entrenchment of the present cosy, mutually self-serving arrangement between big politics, big business and key third party backers of both.

There is plenty of evidence to suggest that it's a blatant red herring and deserves to be called out as such.

Consider that it is now more than two years since the NSW government responded to the expert panel on political donations reform chaired by businesswoman Kerry Schott.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has failed to put donations reform on the national agenda.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has failed to put donations reform on the national agenda.Credit: James Alcock

One of the panel's recommendations adopted by the government at the time was to raise the issue of national political donations reform through the Council of Australian Governments process.

In essence the panel wanted then Premier Mike Baird to push for a national system that mirrored the one in NSW including donations caps of around $5000 for parties and $2000 for individuals, a $1000 donations disclosure threshold

At present there is no cap on donations or expenditure federally and the threshold before a political donation is required to be publicly reported is a disgraceful $13,500.

Additional recommendations accepted by the Baird government included real time, online disclosure of donations above the $1000 threshold.

Baird, who commissioned the report, wrote to then Prime Minister Tony Abbott in August 2015 requesting that the matter be placed on the December COAG agenda.

It wasn't. Instead it was simply raised informally at the leaders' dinner the night before.

Come the COAG meeting of March 2016 the new Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull, pulled the same trick.

The current NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian says she remains committed to this, but there is no sign she is having any more success.

In February, opposition leader Bill Shorten put forward a proposal to "clean up" the donations system. It included a couple of good measures such as real-time disclosure and a $1000 disclosure threshold.

Yet absent were measures to address the serious question of caps on how much donors can give and on what political parties can spend on campaigns.

Our deeply conflicted national political leaders have shown they cannot be trusted in this space.

With the notable exception of the Greens, the major parties appear terrified at the prospect of being forced off the teat of obscenely large donations from individuals, companies, unions and lobby groups.

As has been well noted, a system that capped donations and expenditure would by necessity require them to convince more voters to back them with smaller amounts of cash.

The party machines hate this idea as it requires more effort for reward. Far easier to tap a few large donors who might simply ask a couple of favours down the track.

It is time to take the serious work of political donations reform out of their hands and turn it over to independent experts.

Last week Australia's Chief Scientist, Dr Alan Finkel, delivered to the government his review into the future of the National Electricity Market.

Why could the same approach not be taken to an equally pressing and important issue of political donations reform? The Dastyari scandal and subsequent Four Corners/Fairfax revelations are the perfect catalyst.

If, as appears to the be case, Turnbull is determined to ignore successive NSW premiers, the least he can do is organise his own independent reviewer to tackle the issue.

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