Good Weekend

Adult Education

Taking note

Benjamin Law.

One reason writer Joan Didion takes notes: to keep track of older versions of herself.

Water polo

Illustration by iStockphoto

If I were marketing this sport, I'd be targeting bawdy women and plying them with rosé.

Public transport

Benjamin Law.

I reckon everyone should be allowed one interest that's objectively, indisputably, scientifically dull. Mine is – wait for it – public transport.

Trash TV

Benjamin Law.

I don't trust people who don't have some trash in their TV-viewing diet.

Book awards

Benjamin Law.

Literary awards don't make authors rich, but they do help readers discover local treasures.

Gay uncles

Benjamin Law.

I'm not going to pretend I'm essential. But there's one thing gay uncles can offer.

Naked art

Benjamin Law.

ASK YOURSELF: when was the last time you were naked that didn't involve showering, sleeping or having sex? 

Chinese astrology

Benjamin Law.

In today's Chinese zodiac, a female tiger represents something quite different compared to the past.

Selling the family home

Benjamin Law.

I've never committed arson, but nothing makes you dream about burning down a house and everything in it more than clearing out your childhood home.

Muay Thai

Benjamin Law.

Fun-wise, this combat sport packs some serious punch. Just don't forget the shin pads.

Coming out

Benjamin Law.

Coming out, I've learnt, isn't a single moment.

Combing attractions

Benjamin Law.

I take my haircuts seriously. It's taken trial and error, but here's what I've found.