Latest News for: burkhead


Lynn Burkhead — Sights, sounds & rewards for another deer season

Herald Democrat 04 Nov 2021
As I’ve noted in this space before, there’s plenty of time to ponder the finer things of life when you’re sitting in a Texas deer stand ... Because if you do, you can choose how to spend it within the allowances of the law, either opting for antlerless deer headed for the freezer or a big buck or two headed for the wall.

How Rex Burkhead, T.J. Hockenson and other Midlanders in the NFL fared this week

Omaha World-Herald 01 Nov 2021
From staff reports. According to the NFL, the Ravens quarterback has now won 35 games. The Midlanders in the NFL list, published in The World-Herald on Nov. 1. * * *. Buffalo. Micah Hyde (Iowa). Four tackles, three solo, one fumble recovery. Harrison Phillips (Millard West). Two assisted tackles. Dallas. Chauncey Golston (Iowa) ... Denver ... Rex Burkhead (Nebraska).

Lynn Burkhead — Mediocre season appears to be on tap for Texas quail

Marietta Daily Journal 29 Oct 2021
It's not a surprise to anyone who has been hunting locally for any length of time, but quail hunting is only a shadow of what it once was in Texas. And nowhere is that more true than here in the ... .

Burkhead, Richard

Omaha World-Herald 24 Oct 2021
... (Emswiler) Burkhead; and brother, Junior Burkhead.

Lynn Burkhead — Sooner smokepole season looks good despite no chill

Herald Democrat 22 Oct 2021
You know it’s autumn like in Texomaland when you can take a deep breath while sitting in a deer stand, exhale it slowly and see “smoke” as a warm stream of human hot air meets with chilly morning temperatures ... 23-31 ... Why is that? For starters, take a look at the overall deer numbers in the state ... (Editor’s Note ... Because if the Oklahoma version of Mr ... .

Lynn Burkhead — It's almost time for the 46th Annual Texoma DU Dinner

Herald Democrat 14 Oct 2021
For quacker backers, next week marks a day somewhat akin to the anticipation and celebration found by kids early on Christmas morning each year. Why is that? Because it's nearly time for the 46th edition of the Texoma Ducks Unlimited Banquet to unfold in Denison, that’s why ... 19, 2021, at the Hilton Garden Inn Texoma Event Center in Denison ... .

Lynn Burkhead — Early hunters can get big bucks, but don’t overdo it

Herald Democrat 07 Oct 2021
Unless there’s a big weather change and a powerful cold front sometime soon here in Texomaland, don’t be surprised if the early archery deer seasons just underway on both sides of the Red River prove to be a little bit on the slow side. Why? First, the weather is unseasonably warm and for the most part, dry ... .

Lynn Burkhead — Outlook is good as Texas archery season begins

Sherman Herald Democrat 30 Sep 2021
In simple terms, there is rarely a poor deer season in the state of Texas, a place that supported more than 5.4 million whitetails last year. In fact, only severe drought and broiling hot summers — the kind experienced in 2011, for instance — put a serious dent in the Lone Star State’s voluminous whitetail resource ... 2-Nov ... ....

Lynn Burkhead — Hunting seasons on tap but don’t overlook fall fishing

Herald Democrat 23 Sep 2021
If you love the outdoors in Texomaland, I probably don’t have to tell you that this time of the year is the sweet spot on the calendar for those of us who like to hunt. Early teal season wraps up this weekend, dove hunting season is in full swing, and early archery season opens up in a matter of days ... Until the sun hit the horizon, that is ... .

Lynn Burkhead — Forget the beef, where’s the teal?

Herald Democrat 16 Sep 2021
Many years ago, a national fast food chain produced a famous TV commercial that showed a couple of ladies suspiciously eyeing the skinny hamburger offering from a competitor and humorously asking, “Where’s the beef?” ... 11-26 season rushes towards its end ... “The teal hunting has been on fire so far this season!”.

Lynn Burkhead — Teal season opens with hopes for good wingshooting

Herald Democrat 09 Sep 2021
If you were surprised by the sound of thunder, the flash of lightning and the pounding of heavy rain on the roof earlier this week, join the club ... In general, there are ample teal preparing to migrate through the area north and south of the Red River as the Sept. 11-26 season prepares to begin tomorrow morning.

Lynn Burkhead — Dove opener mixed but where it’s good, it’s good

Herald Democrat 02 Sep 2021
As the sun slipped quietly towards the western horizon on Sept. 1, yours truly sat clutching a well-worn pump shotgun, a box of scarce 12-gauge dove loads, and hoped for the best ... Truth be told, I was doing nothing more than sitting in a potential flyway between a couple of feeding areas not far to my south and roost areas not far to my north ... .

Lynn Burkhead — Dove outlook remains solid for the 2021 season

Sherman Herald Democrat 27 Aug 2021
For Texas Parks and Wildlife Department biologist Owen Fitzsimmons, the days of late August are akin to what a football coach must feel when he knows he’s probably going to win a gridiron contest for the umpteenth time in a row and likely to win it big ... 1st opener arrives on the calendar ... ....

Lynn Burkhead — Rain doesn’t dim prospects for good dove opener

Sherman Herald Democrat 20 Aug 2021
The other day — really, it could have been any day this week — yours truly heard a roaring on the roof, checked the radar app, and noted that a lot more heavy rainfall was on the way. After doing so, I couldn’t help but smile and think to myself, “Yup, right on schedule. Dove season is just around the corner!” ... ....

Lynn Burkhead — Time for new Texas hunting and fishing licenses

Herald Democrat 12 Aug 2021
In one of the surest signs of fall’s slow but steady approach, this weekend is a huge weekend for millions of hunters and anglers across Texas, outdoors enthusiasts who like to hit the woods and the water all across the Lone Star State. And in some ways, this weekend is also a bit like the arrival of Christmas Day ... 31, 2021.

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