- published: 03 Jan 2016
- views: 7208
Defamation (Hebrew: השמצה; translit. Hashmatsa) is a 2009 documentary film by award-winning filmmaker Yoav Shamir. It examines antisemitism and, in particular, the way perceptions of antisemitism affect Israeli and U.S. politics. Defamation won Best Documentary Feature Film at the 2009 Asia Pacific Screen Awards.
The film examines whether anti-Semitic has become an all purpose label for anyone who criticizes Israel and the possibility that some Jews' preoccupation with the past—i.e., the Holocaust—is preventing progress today. Shamir decided to make Defamation after a critic of an earlier film accused him of antisemitism.
Filmmaker Yoav Shamir states in the beginning of the film that as an Israeli he has never experienced antisemitism himself and wants to learn more about it since references to antisemitism in countries all over the world are common in the Israeli media.
The film includes interviews with Abraham Foxman, the head of the Anti-Defamation League, John J. Mearsheimer, co-author of New York Times best seller The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy, Norman Finkelstein, a critic of Israeli government policy, as well as many others. Defamation also follows a group of Israeli high school students on a class trip to Poland where they tour Auschwitz, as well as a number of other notable Holocaust locations (March of the Living).
Defamation-Excellent Israeli Documentary on "Anti-Semitism" MUST WATCH
DEFAMATION - Official Trailer
Defamation - Trailer
Defamation / Hanobenie / Hashmatsa -dokument (www.Dokumenty.TV) cz / sk
Bande annonce du film DEFAMATION
The Defamation Movie
''Defamation'' - prawda o antysemityzmie cz.1/8
Defamation - Austria Theatrical Trailer - A Yoav Shamir Film
Defamation - A Yoav Shamir Film
Yoav Shamir Defamation (how jews are indoctrinated by zionists to justify palestinian geno
2009 Documentary by Israeli Jew about the marketing and manipulation of antisemitism and the indoctrination of Israeli children into the victim mentality. Dedicated to Joel.
Website: http://www.defamation-thefilm.com/html/the_film.html What is anti-Semitism today, two generations after the Holocaust? In his continuing exploration of modern Israeli life, director Yoav Shamir (Checkpoints, Flipping Out) travels the world in search of the most modern manifestations of the oldest hatred, and comes up with some startling answers. In this irreverent quest, he follows American Jewish leaders to the capitals of Europe, as they warn government officials of the growing threat of anti-Semitism, and he tacks on to a class of Israeli high school students on a pilgrimage to Auschwitz. Buy the DVD: http://shop.dogwoof.com/products/defamation Stream the full film by visiting Dogwoof TV at http://dogwoof.tv/watch/defamation. You can also make money by sharing the Dogwoof.T...
Provokativní kontroverzní dokument, ve kterém izraelský režisér Yoav Shamir cestuje po světě, aby zjistil, co v současném moderním světě znamená anti-semitismus. Shamir si také klade za cíl posoudit, zda se anti-semitismus skrývá pod povrchem v údajně civilizované společnosti, nebo se používá jen jako strašák pro politickou podporu sionismu. Existuje rozdíl mezi dnešním anti-semitismem a obyčejným rasismem, který se týká všech menšin? Všímá si snahy některých židovských skupin o nálepkování anti-semitismem při jakékoliv legitimní kritice vládní politiky Izraele. Je tedy anti-sionista nutně také anti-semita? Nabízí kritický pohled na mocnou americkou židovskou organizaci Anti-Defamation League (ADL), coby vlajkovou loď boje proti anti-semitismu. Shamir dává v dokumentu prostor i židovskému ...
Voici quelques passages la vidéo de Defamation (diffamation) Les passages sélectionnés, vous montrent la machination d'un lobby (ADL) pour manipuler les peuples et surtout la jeunesse israélienne... La vidéo complète est sur ce site : http://mutien.com/site_officiel/?p=2551
Business Law in class movie project on Defamation Scholarship athlete has scholarship revoked due to drug
What is anti-Semitism today, two generations after the Holocaust? In his continuing exploration of modern Israeli life, director Yoav Shamir (Checkpoints, Flipping Out) travels the world in search of the most modern manifestations of the oldest hatred", and comes up with some startling answers. In this irreverent quest, he follows American Jewish leaders to the capitals of Europe, as they warn government officials of the growing threat of anti-Semitism, and he tacks on to a class of Israeli high school students on a pilgrimage to Auschwitz. Opinions often differ and tempers sometimes flare, but in Defamation we find that one thing is certain - only by understanding their response to anti-Semitism can we really appreciate how Jews today, and especially modern Israelis, respond to the worl...
What is anti-Semitism today, two generations after the Holocaust? In his continuing exploration of modern Israeli life, director Yoav Shamir (Checkpoints, Flipping Out) travels the world in search of the most modern manifestations of the oldest hatred", and comes up with some startling answers. In this irreverent quest, he follows American Jewish leaders to the capitals of Europe, as they warn government officials of the growing threat of anti-Semitism, and he tacks on to a class of Israeli high school students on a pilgrimage to Auschwitz. Opinions often differ and tempers sometimes flare, but in Defamation we find that one thing is certain - only by understanding their response to anti-Semitism can we really appreciate how Jews today, and especially modern Israelis, respond to the worl...
This is just a 15mn preview, the documentary here :