domestic violence

Conversations about domestic work

A lot of our work-mates live in shared housing, ‘patch-work families’ and other domestic set-ups. This questionaire is meant as a guideline for conversations about proletarian reproductive work and wider living conditions. It is a draft version, please send comments to:

Meditation on domestic violence intervention: a personal narrative

A deeply personal account of experiencing and confronting abuse within a family, by Sara Rahnoma-Galindo. Trigger warning for domestic and sexual violence.

Sisters Uncut Occupy London’s Holloway Prison

Image credit @sistersuncut, flares on the roof of Holloway Prison

Sisters Uncut, a UK-based feminist group, held a week-long occupation of north London’s Holloway Prison in late May in response to conservative austerity policies that have had a damaging effect on social services for victims of domestic violence.