
Queanbeyan teenagers allegedly abducted near Karabar High School

Two teenage girls were allegedly abducted near Karabar High School and subjected to threats of murder on Wednesday. 

Police have arrested two people in relation to the alleged crime.

Susan Lynette Cross, 45, and Mitchell Cody Peck, 21, both of Queanbeyan, are charged with the abduction.

In Queanbeyan Local Court on Thursday the pair did not enter pleas. Both were refused bail.

Police documents tendered to the court allege the teenagers were walking near the high school when a car pulled up next to them. It is alleged Cross was driving and Peck was a passenger in the vehicle.

Cross accused one of the teenagers of sleeping with her former partner. She got out of the car and became aggressive towards the girls.


It is alleged she refused to accept the denial of the teenager, and leaned in closer to her to sniff her clothing and hair before claiming she recognised the scent from the house of her former partner.

Police documents said the two 14-year-old girls were fearful for their safety, and walked away from the woman.

The woman got back in the vehicle where Peck remained in the passenger seat. She drove alongside the girls and demanded they "get in the f****** car".

The girls obeyed and once in the car the woman locked the doors.

It is alleged she continued to drive while threatening the teenagers, saying "I'll cut your throats if you don't tell the truth".

The victims, police documents said, were crying, scared for their safety.

Cross stopped the car for about 10 minutes while she allegedly continued to threaten the girls with violence to them, their families, and murder if they attempted to run away. It is alleged she pulled out a knife and placed it on the dash of the vehicle.

The accused drove the girls to another location where Peck took them out of the car one by one. Peck directed the girls to write a note on a piece of paper, telling one to write that she had not had sex with the former partner of Cross. He then showed these to Cross.

The girls were driven back to Karabar High School where they were allowed to exit the vehicle. Police documents said they ran screaming from the car, witnessed by another student outside the school.

The alleged victims went into the office block of the school and lay down on the floor outside the principal's office screaming.

Police attended the school and were able to ascertain the identity of the alleged offenders.

About 2.20pm that day, police found the accused in the same car on Fergus Road. 

During the arrest of the pair, police found the notes handwritten by the girls in the pocket of Peck. Police seized a small quantity of methylamphetamine, also known as ice, from the man.

In court on Thursday, Magistrate Michael Antrum refused bail to both Cross and Peck. Cross will appear in court on Monday to apply for bail. Peck will face court again in August.