- published: 22 Jun 2017
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Carlos Alberto Vives Restrepo (born 7 August 1961) is a Colombian singer, composer and actor.
Carlos Vives was born on 7 August 1961 in Santa Marta, Magdalena, Colombia, where he spent his first 12 years of life. At that age, he and his family moved to Bogotá in search of a better life. They lived with Diego Martínez and his family. He enrolled in Jorge Tadeo Lozano University and holds a publicist degree from the university. In Bogota, he also acquired a taste for rock, getting involved in the local music scene, and started playing in bars and cafés around the city.
In 1982, Vives began acting in a number of shows and telenovelas including "Pequeños Gigantes" (Little Giants – 1983) and "Tuyo es Mi Corazón" (Yours is My Heart – 1985). He finally found fame in 1986 by playing the title role of Gallito Ramírez, which told the story of a Colombian Caribbean coast boxer who falls in love with an uptight girl, who was portrayed by his first wife, Margarita Rosa de Francisco. That same year, he released his first album, Por Fuera y Por Dentro. The album, primarily made of ballads, failed to gain any success. In 1987, he released his second ballad album, No Podrás Escapar de Mí. Though the title track reached No. 30 on the Billboard Hot Latin Tracks, the album did not sell well. His next album, Al Centro de la Ciudad, would become his last album to feature synthesizer-romantic ballads. Some of the songs got some attention being featured in telenovelas, but the album, just as its predecessors, failed to gain success.
Geoffrey Royce Rojas (born May 11, 1989), known by his stage name Prince Royce, is an American singer, songwriter from The Bronx. At an early age, Royce took an interest in music and into his teenage years, began experimenting with music and writing poetry. By age nineteen, Royce met Andrés Hidalgo, who became his manager. Hidalgo later introduced Royce to Sergio George, who immediately signed him to his label after hearing three of his demos.
In March 2010, he released his eponymous debut studio album, which generated two commercially successful singles, "Stand by Me" and "Corazón Sin Cara". Both songs reached number-one on the Billboard Tropical Songs chart while "Corazón Sin Cara" reached number-one on the US Hot Latin Songs chart. The album itself reached number-one on the US Billboard Latin Albums and Tropical Albums charts. He also received three awards at the Billboard Latin Music Awards in 2011, which included Tropical Album of the Year for Prince Royce. Prince Royce was listed as one of the 50 Most Beautiful on the magazine People en Español in 2011. On April 10, 2012, Royce released his second studio album, Phase II. In November 2012, Royce released a compilation album entitled "#1's", a collection of his hits thus far.
"Un Beso" is Aventura's third single from their fourth studio album God's Project. The song reached big recognition in many Spanish-speaking countries and reached number six on the Billboard Hot Latin Songs chart and number 36 on the Billboard Regional Mexican Airplay chart. It was later included on the compilation album Bachata Romántica: 1's (2009).
The music video for "Un Beso" shows Romeo sitting down in a club when he sees this girl dancing. He walks up to her, and then they start dancing, and then they share a kiss. They fall in love after the kiss, and leave the club to go on a cruise then they share another kiss.
Beteo ft. Bedoes - Besos (prod. GeezyBeatz) [official video]
Los 9 tipos de besos más ricos. El #2 lo pone caliente en segundos
BESOS FACILES ♥ Besando a chica desconocida
Prince Royce - Darte un Beso
Carlos Vives, Sebastian Yatra - Robarte un Beso (Official Video)
Zamów album 🛍 ➡ https://goo.gl/FTeYAe Sprawdź cały album w cyfrze ➡ http://soundline.biz/BeteoBejbi Więcej o Beteo ➡ https://goo.gl/6gGHfy Beteo na fb ➡ https://www.facebook.com/BeteoBejbi/ Bedoes na fb ➡ https://www.facebook.com/bedoesfrsh/ GeezyBeatz na fb ➡ https://www.facebook.com/geezybeatz/ Booking koncertowy: e-mail: koncerty@sbmaffija.pl tel: 783 9999 51 / Magda Ustaw utwór BESOS zamiast sygnału oczekiwania na połączenie. Wyślij BET10 na numer 80833 (0 zł) Abonament miesięczny: Play – 2zł Plus – 2,02zł T-Mobile – 4,99zł Orange – 4zł reg. halodzwonek.pl Beteo i Bedoes we wspólnym numerze to nie nowość dla fanów SB Maffiji. Tym razem jako duet wystąpili w kolejnym singlu promującym drugi solowy album Beteo - "Bejbi". Kawałek "Besos" adresowany jest głównie do kobiet, a relacje...
9. Beso con mordida Es una mordida pequeña que provoca mucho placer. La idea es que muerdas su labio inferior suavemente cuidado no lastimarlo y luego le des uno de esos besos apasionados como de película. Lo vas a dejar pidiendo más 8. Beso de lengua Usa este fabuloso músculo para explorar y hacer que suba la temperatura. Pon tu lengua en su boca y haz ligeros movimientos circulares, pero por favor, no te aceleres, pues si la metes de más podría terminar en algo verdaderamente desagradable 7. Beso de piquito Indiscutiblemente uno de los besos propios de las parejas enamoradas. Consiste en juntar sus labios 👄 apretados mientras paran “la trompita” Muak 6. besos en la oreja Sin lugar a duda uno de los besos más ardientes. Pequeños besos mezclados con el sonido de tu respiración har...
BESOS CON SABORES | SERGIO CELLI Y ESTEFI BERARDI producido por Alan Parodi, Paul Ferreyra & Luisina Restivo www.instagram.com/CelliSergio www.instagram.com/EstefaniaBerardi www.instagram.com/PaulFerreyraOK Contacto: sergiocelliyt@gmail.com
Dar un beso es probablemente uno de los momentos más importantes de nuestra vida. Por eso el día de hoy les enseñaremos a besar mientras les mostramos diferentes tipos de besos ¡Los amamos!❤️ ❤️Canal de Sara: http://bit.ly/2lJ86fV ❤️Canal de Atenas: http://bit.ly/2le4uVQ *No hay excusas para dejar de sonreír. Síguenos también en: FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/SarenasOfficial/ INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/sarenasinsta/ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/sarenasdice SNAPCHAT: Sarenas28 MOOVZ: SARENAS (Descarga el app: https://moovz.com/r/Sarenas) CONTACTO NEGOCIOS: sarenasyoutube@outlook.com
BESOS ROBADOS A DESCONOCIDAS LA MEJOR RECOPILACION DE BESOS ROBADOS, BESOS FACILES, NO OLVIDES SUSCRIBIRTE AL CANAL Y DARLE LIKE Atención: Este video publicado aquí no es de mi propia creación este video pertenece al propietario del canal. Todos los créditos entrarán al canal que es el verdadero dueño de los derechos de autor de este video. Sólo estoy compartiendo en mi canal para que más personas tengan acceso a este contenido. ►CREADOR DEL VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-4JefijYrSwOknoTS4R_iw/videos ►SUSCRIBETE AL CANAL https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHk_6GkUvR9qM57o3eSnWAg Los mejores videos y las mejoras bromas que puedas ver en youtube en un solo canal besos faciles 2017,besos faciles a chicos,besos faciles a la policia,besos faciles a mamas,besos faciles a muj...
Published on Aug 20, 2013 Music video by Prince Royce performing Darte Un Beso. (C) 2013 Sony Music Entertainment US Latin LLC Buy Prince Royce’s album “Soy El Mismo” now on iTunes: http://www.smarturl.it/SoyElMismo Also visit: http://www.princeroyce.com http://www.facebook.com/princeroyce http://www.twitter.com/PrinceRoyce http://www.instagram.com/PrinceRoyce
Como conseguir besos fáciles con desconocidas! Sólo sigue mis pasos! 5. Adivina mi nombre 4. Juego de manos 3. Hacerse pasar por gay 2. Besarse frente a la familia 1. Besarse frente al novio ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Carlos Vives & Sebastian Yatra - "Robarte Un Beso" (Official Music Video) "Robarte Un Beso" is available on these digital platforms: Choose Your Platform: https://SML.lnk.to/RobarteUnBeso iTunes: http://smarturl.it/RobarteUnBeso Apple Music: http://smarturl.it/RobarteUnBesoA Spotify: http://smarturl.it/RobarteUnBesoS Google Play: http://smarturl.it/RobarteUnBesoG Amazon: http://smarturl.it/RobarteUnBesoAm Video: http://smarturl.it/RobarteUnBesoV Follow Carlos Vives! Official site: http://www.carlosvives.com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/carlosvivesof... Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/carlosvives Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/carlosvives Official music video by Carlos Vives & Sebastian Yatra performing "Robarte Un Beso." (C) 2017 Sony Music Entertainment US Latin LLC
besos son tus labios
tibios lados
que quisieron
estoy diciendo
nada más
besos de tu boca
herida roja
vida nueva
que me hiciste
bien o mal
y a mí, no me da igual
donde está el amor?
eso si que son
encendidos por el sol
son tus besos
agua y miedo
risa de verano
Costa Azul
besos de tu boca
herida roja
que me hiciste
si fue bien o mal
a mí al final, no me da igual
son tus lenguas
bocas rotas
de besarse
en la frente
en el vientre
y al final no me da igual