Rules & Regulations

Download PDF Version: English | Português

Even though we have made a concerted effort to translate this document to reflect the Portuguese version in its entirety, it is the latter that prevails. Please ensure that you fully understand each and every point herein. Should you have any doubts, either consult the Portuguese version, or contact us regarding your queries.

1. Introduction and Scope

Vodafone BIG Apps Lisboa is a joint venture between imatch supported by Câmara Municipal de Lisboa, and Vodafone Portugal, collaborating in the launch of a competition with the objective of developing mobile applications based on the use of open data sets provided by Câmara Municipal de Lisboa on its Open Data LX platform. It is envisaged that these mobile applications developed within the scope of the Vodafone BIG Apps Lisboa competition, will contribute towards improving the lives of those that live in Lisbon as well as those visiting as well as becoming an economic driving force for the city of Lisbon.

This initiative aims to encourage the emergence of new ideas with its commercial use, by their respective developers, within the market of apps.

By participating in the Vodafone BIG Apps Lisboa initiative, having completed the registration process and the application form, you hereby agree and accept the terms and conditions as well as the rules.

1.1  The applications can be registered in two different and distinct categories:

a. City Apps for all the apps who’s objective is to further enhance the life of all those that live in or visit the city, as an informative or professional app by intervening in a civic way, either through an approximation of the local council, transportation systems or mobility, developing and promoting the communities, social good, retail services, services for companies and/or assisting students.

b. Tourism Apps destined to all those that live or visit with the objective of gaining information and local insights or making the most of the city through the promotion of local assets, promotion of hotel and tourist attractions, mobility solutions specific to tourism, or apps destined for economic agents who intervene in the tourism sector.

1.2 The participants in the Vodafone BIG Apps Lisboa competition must, and in order to avoid exclusion, use the following:

a. Open Data LX datasets provided by the Lisboaparticipa portal ( and made available online at

b. City SDK in the development of apps (tourism category) made available at

2. Criteria for selection of candidates and the attribution of prizes

2.1 The applications that meet the requirements set, that are not excluded and selected to continue within the competition, will be evaluated and chosen as winners based on the following:

  1. TEAM (competencies, experience and diversity / fulfilling the required means)
  2. QUALITY OF THE IDEA (creativity, originality, innovation and design of the user experience)
  3. VALUE & USE OF THE IDEA TO THE CITY (added value and relevance to the users)
  4. BUSINESS MODEL (commercial viability and potential of growth)
  5. FEASIBILITY (technical, operational and commercial)
  6. OPEN DATA LX DATASETS USAGE (Data sets from
  7. CITY SDK in the development of apps (tourism app category –

2.2 The selected applications for the “Development” phase (as described in number 7) will also be evaluated by public voting. The Idea most voted by the public at the end of the “Development” phase will win the Honourable Mention. Voting will occur on each idea on the website page.

3. Who can participate?

3.1.1 All of those that intend on creating an application (app) for the City of Lisbon in which it will be made available commercially, as long as:

a) They are over 18 years of age, resident or not in Portugal, with the intention of launching one (or more) applications (apps) and creating a startup based on the app(s) that will go to market. Can join together up to a maximum of 10 people. In this particular case, there must be nominated a single responsible person that will ensure all the documentation is filled out on behalf of the team.


b) national or international companies that were constituted less than a year ago and with less than 10 workers to date of the application process as long as there is the intent to launch one (or more) applications (apps) and creating a startup based on the app(s) that will go to market, either as a new company or as a spin off of an existing company.

Startup is interpreted as a company recently created or still in the phase of being constituted, with less than 10 employees with the intent of exploring and developing innovative projects, based on research, investigation and development of innovative ideas, in the products or services sector of the mobile internet (apps).

3.2. Limitations and Restrictions:

3.2.1 Limitations:

If you do not belong to any of the groups identified in points 3.1 a) or 3.1 b), you may however, apply to the Vodafone BIG Apps Lisboa competition, but will not be eligible to receive any of the monetary prizes.

If the application meets the requirements, isn’t excluded and is eventually selected as a contender, as per all other competitors, you will receive all the support during the development process and be eligible to win the honourable mention prize and respective recognition from the CML.

3.2.2 Restrictions:

Honourable mention winners: the following are grounds for not being eligible to win any of the monetary prizes:

a)    Employees of any of the entities promoting or sponsoring the competition as well as employees of any company belonging to the entities promoting or sponsoring the competition;

b)    Freelancers that work for or with any of the entities promoting or sponsoring the competition;

c)    Families of those that for or with the entities promoting or sponsoring the competition;

d)    Any individual that is chosen to be part of the team that will analyse and evaluate the applications as well as any expert or consultant that has worked on the conceptual side of the project, design or implementation of the present competition or that is chosen during the competition as an auxiliary to the analysis and evaluation of the applications and applicants.

A project or application from a person or group of persons that belong to those identified in the above group 3.2.2, can only benefit from the support given to development on the PITCH phase and be considered to win an Honourable Mention but may not win the Money Prize.

4. Until when can I apply?

The application process will open on the 16th of April 2014 and will terminate at 23:59 hours (GMT) on the 18th of May 2014, whereby all candidates must fill out all the required fields of the application process, as per the following point 5, in the site, until the end of the application process. Failure to do so will result in the application being deemed invalid.

5. What do I need to do to apply?

The chosen platform for applying is the site, whereby all the following must be completed:

  1. The applicant must register in order to secure access to the remainder information regarding the competition, insights about the city as well as the respective data sets.
  2. The applicant must fill out the application form online ensuring that all mandatory fields are in fact completed, including the acceptance of the terms and conditions (rules and regulations) of the present competition:
  • Name of the application (team or project)*
  • Name*, Contact information* and Country** of the candidate/representative of the team/company
  • Remainder of the information of the team and its respective elements and a link to each of their respective LinkedIn profiles*
  • Profile of the applicant (individual name or name of company) and link to their LinkedIn profile*
  • Title of the idea or concept*
  • Description of the idea /twitter pitch*
  • Description of the creativity and originality involved*
  • Relevancy of the idea/value added*
  • Business model*
  • Viability/feasibility of the idea*
  • Technology that you intend on using*
  • Identification of the potential data sets that you will be using from the data sets provided by the CML and linked to website

  * Mandatory fields  ** Optional fields

Expressly accept the terms and conditions (rules) of the present competition. It is not obligatory to present a concept (prototype) in this phase of the competition but you must provide information, data or sufficient materials for the appropriate evaluation of the application and validation that all criteria are met. Applications that present the best arguments will go through to the second phase whereby all the concepts will be developed and presented.

The application to the competition must be in English, any other language will automatically invalidate the application.

The reason that the application process and information required must be in English reflects the international and global reach of the competition as well as the presence of an international Jury that will ultimately chose the winners of the contest.

Each person can apply with one or more idea, whereby only one idea per candidate will be permitted to continue in the competition.

6. What are the rights and obligations of the candidate?

By participating in the Vodafone BIG Apps Lisboa competition, whether by downloading or accessing the Open Data LX, by registering on the site, whether representing the application for the competition, you accept all the terms and conditions within this document, Rules and Regulations.

6.1 Rights

  • Participants keep all rights associated to their intellectual property of all the applications (apps) developed and presented.
  • Participants keep all rights associated with the commercial value(s) of the developed applications (apps), whilst giving the rights of use (non-exclusive) free of any fees, to the promoters of the competition.
  • The applications (apps) developed during the competition will not have any exclusive rights attributed to the sponsors or promoters of the competition.
  • The applications (apps) developed during the competition may be made available on Vodafone’s commercial platform, or on CML’s platform, should either decide to do so, whereby, however, none will have any commercial rights pertaining to the applications (apps).

6.2 Obligations:

Each participant declares and guarantees that:

  • The information and data provided within the application process is correct and true, complete and exact and that the application itself is an idea/concept that is an original work created by the participant – a creative and original work, neither copied or elaborated in a company’s time or in collaboration with other entities or as a result of previous jobs.
  • The application and all of the supporting documentation and information presented do not violate the intellectual property of others, copyright infringement and industrial property of others and also respects the applicable legislation and regulation.
  • The information and data are not paid for nor are they an object of any negotiations, promises or transmission of rights, nor has it ever been placed in the market place, in Portugal or in any other country.
  • The candidates that are chosen as finalists authorize the use of their image, voice, photographs, images and video, collected on the platform and/or during events that are directly associated to the competition for promotional purposes and for publicizing the ideas and applications (apps), in any country and through any available channel. The applicant also authorizes the inclusion of this content in marketing and promotional materials of each of the promoters, in association to this competition.
  • If a candidate belongs to several chosen Ideas he must choose only one and inform the organization about the decision

The APPS to be launched in the market (through the app stores of the different mobile platforms or any other distribution channel) and have all the conditions to benefit from the program-Go-To-Market run by Vodafone, as defined in point 7 c), must use a “Recommended by Vodafone” seal or similar on it’s app (place to be defined) and in all communication materials to be released for a period of twelve months from market launch.

  • Vodafone can evaluate at every moment the ability for each project to enter or be kept on the program Go-To-Market and therefore to use the “Recommended by Vodafone” badge

7. What are the different phases of the competition?

The competition is organized in 3 different phases: Application process, Development and launch, described in more detail below:

a) Application

Each phase is open to all who wish to participate in this competition, within the rules and regulations, starting on the 16th of April of 2014, ending at 23:59:59 on the 18th of May 2014.

  • Insights & Info The competition starts with the registration of potential candidates in the portal used for this effect and can be accessed on the site. Following the respective registration, the site offers access to the Lisbon Data Sets, SDKs to support development and a compilation of insights in order to permit all candidates to construct the applications they wish to submit in the competition
  • Applications The candidates must register on the platform, describing in a generic form the application(s) (apps) which they wish to present in the competition (presentation of structured ideas) and supply the remainder of the information in the respective fields of the application area. The information supplied by each participant in START phase of the competition remains confidential and will only be used by the jury and promoters.
  • Selection A jury chosen for the competition, will analyze the submitted ideas, verify if the candidates have supplied the necessary documentation, certify that there are no impediments to the application and select 20 ideas that will pass through to the next phase, based on the criteria defined in point 2 of the present regulation. No one participant will be allowed to pass to phase 2 with more than one idea selected. A candidate in these conditions must choose only one idea and inform the organization of the decision within the proceeding three days after the announcement of the results.

The organization, on the advice of the jury, reserves the right to increase or decrease the number of applicants selected for the next phase.

They may however go through to the next phase and apply for the honourable mention, maximum of 4 applications, on the conditions described on point 3.2 and are thus not eligible for a cash prize.

b) Development

This phase is destined for only 20 selected ideas from the Application phase and will last for a duration of 7 weeks. The selected contestants will be notified by email in order to continue with the development of the selected idea and the remainder will be notified that they will not move forward to the next phase of the competition.

  • Development The development phase and construction of the application (app) includes the recommended participation in the 3 open-days. The candidate must participate in the “Appathon” event, which will last for 2 days, whereby the candidate will finalize the project and elaborate a pitch.
  • Presentation Final pitch and demos of the projects. The pitch will occur integrated into the conference BIGCONF in the English language.
  • Selection The jury, using the criteria defined in point 2 of the regulation, will select 1 overall winner, 1 City App category winner and 1 Tourism App category winner whilst also announcing the project chosen through public voting wining a specific honourable mention, presenting the prizes at the end of the conference BIG CONF.

c) Launch

This phase will only have the 3 winners selected from the earlier development phase and will have a duration of between a minimum of 6 months and a maximum of 12 months, ending with the eventual commercial launch of one or more of the selected applications.

  • Incubation This phase incorporates the access to an incubation space for three people in a startup incubator in Lisbon.
  • Mentoring This phase is designed to aid in the development of the product, through 2 to 4 mentoring sessions, each month, for each winner of the contest, whereby specialists in the field of mobile and applications (apps) will be at hand to aid in this process.
  • Go-to-market & Scaling After the launch, a Go-to-Market plan will be implemented with the support of Vodafone with various channels of communication being used (digital, mobile, traditional and printed) to promote the winning applications (apps). The final choice of the channels as well as timings will be chosen in accordance to the characteristics of each application (app), availability of each channel in order to achieve 1 million visualizations during one moment of communication, or more. Included are also PR campaigns and international promotion of the applications (apps) within the Vodafone Group throughout the channels which Vodafone deems appropriate.

8. Jury

The Jury is comprised of independent professionals, minimum of 8, renown for their merit and relevance in the field, each chosen by the entities that are promoting the competition.

Deliberation is by majority voting in private sessions. The jury will deliberate whether to include or exclude candidates based on the present regulation and rules.

The jury will analyse, and as per the applied criteria of selection, will choose the applications in the diverse phases of the competition.

Any queries or requests for clarification about matters pertaining to the competition must be made to the jury, which will endeavour to reply within 5 working days, through the contact form available on the site. The replies to the requests for clarification will be supplied to all the candidates subscribed to the site.

The jury’s intervention, in the case of the public vote, will be limited to the verification of the admission of the candidates and the verification of the regularity of the voting, which will be cast using site.

Any tampering in the voting will either result in the subtraction of votes identified or in most cases in the exclusion of the application (app) from the public vote category, should it be evident that they intervened in the process.

9. What prizes can I win?

The competition will have 1 overall winner picked from the 20 finalists, 1 winner for the City Apps category picked from the 10 finalists in that category and 1 winner for the Tourism Apps category picked from the 10 finalists in that category as well as 1 honourable mention which is the public vote in the site.

9.1 The Overall Winner will be awarded:

a.  The monetary prize of 10.000,00 € (ten thousand euros) which should be used for investment in development and/or marketing having elaborated and presented a business plan, up to a month after the winners announcement.

b. Start-up tour in London, including a visit to the Google Campus (only includes flight and workshops)

c. Workspace for up to 3 people during 12 months of incubation in the Vodafone Power Labs in Lisboa at a date to be agreed by both parties.

d. All the prizes in point 9.4.

9.2. The winners of the City Apps and Tourism Apps categories will each be awarded:

a.  The monetary prize of 10.000,00 € (ten thousand euros) which should be used for investment in development and/or marketing having elaborated and presented a business plan, up to a month after the winners announcement.

b. All the prizes in point 9.4.

9.3. The prizes will be paid by the promoters and are subject to the applicable local taxes, whereby it is the responsibility of the winners to ensure that all legal taxes are paid as well as any other costs that may arise, relative to the prizes awarded within the scope of this competition.

9.4. Furthermore, the Overall winner and the two category winners will also benefit from the following perks:

a.  Go-to-market support and help with the launch from Vodafone Portugal, as described in point 7 c).

b. Diploma, acknowledgement and marketing from sponsors and partners.

c. Mentoring in the incubation phase with the support of a coach and monthly meetings with a panel of mentors.

d. Membership of the SoftLayer startup incubator, their Catalyst Program, which will give you access to the following:

  • Free best-in-class hosting, a $1000/month credit for hosting for one full year with SoftLayer, integrating the best-in-class technology and connectivity into the industry’s only fully-automated platform, with complete access, control, security and scalability. That includes dedicated servers, cloud servers or a hybrid compute environment
  • Mentoring: You’ll get connected with SoftLayer’s award-winning Innovation Team. These are the über smart guys who created the SoftLayer Automated Platform. They’re our most senior technology team, and they’re experts at things like massively scalable software and hardware architectures, cloud, globally distributed computing, security, “Big Data” databases and all the other crazy new “best and next” practices in modern and forward-looking compute.
  • Increased international market visibility: Catalyst startups receive marketing opportunities with SoftLayer like guest blog posts on the InnerLayer, video interviews, white papers and use cases to help you tell the world about the cool stuff you’re doing. When you’re out of Beta, ask about our Technology Partners Marketplace, which exposes you to thousands of our customers.

e. SendGrid Silver Level Service: Free access for 12 months to the Silver Plan which includes 100,000 emails per month, access to all APIs, dedicated IP, complete email marketing solution and all the support and help from their staff.

f. FreshDesk Garden Plan: Free access for 12 months to the Garden Plan, which includes a fully functional support portal for 3 agents, integrated live chat, multiple languages, multiple product support, multiple SLA policies, multiple locations, community forums, satisfactory surveys, advanced reporting, mobile app and many more functionalities that cater to any startup that goes global.

9.5. Honourable Mention

1 honourable mention will be awarded as decided by the public vote as described in point 2.2 of the contest rules.

The honourable mention will have:

  • Go-to-market support and help with the launch from Vodafone Portugal as described on point 7 c)
  • Access to the SoftLayer Catalyst Program and hosting as described in point 9.4.
  • Access to the SendGrid Silver Level Service Plan as described in point 9.4.
  • Access to the FreshDesk Garden Plan as described in point 9.4.
  • Diploma, acknowledgement and marketing from sponsors and partners.

10. Communication of the results of the competition

The best ideas selected and the winning finalist will always be announced to all the candidates through the and/or email.

The winning finalists that go through to the 2nd Phase of the competition (Development) will be announced to all the candidates through the and/or email, following the completion of the 1st Phase (Application) within a maximum of 6 days after that date. The announcement will be made on the official platform online and the winners notified by email.

The final winners and honourable mention will be announced at the end of the event “BIG Conf”.

11. Causes for exclusion from the competition and/or the forfeit to win the prizes

11.1 The following behaviours by contestants will lead to the exclusion from the contest and the forfeit to win the monetary and honourable mention prizes:

a) Failure to comply with all or any of the obligations of the present rules and regulations and/or o the platform online, not participating in the events or presentation of the ideas.

b) Failure to comply with the requirements relative to ideas and project, as stated in the present rules and regulations, as well as failure to comply with any part of the rules and regulations deemed essential.

c) The violation of any legal or statutory disposition applicable to the contest.

d) Verification of anti-competitive behaviour.

e) Verification of any attempt to prejudice the normal functioning of the competition, in specific, tampering with the voting and any other fraudulent or illicit behaviour.

f) The use of prize money for other uses beyond that, which is contemplated in the rules and regulations of the competition.

g) Behaviour of interested parties on behalf of the contestant, which can be prejudicial and unjust to other candidates, namely and not exclusively, the adulteration of the decisions and voting.

h) Failure to comply with the decisions of the jury and/or promoters of the competition.

i) Verification of impediments and/or conflicts of interest of a candidate or those responsible for the application (app).

j) Any sponsoring agreement formalized with any direct competitor of Vodafone Portugal within the period of this contest, including the promotion phase in the Go-to-Market plan.

k) Any other situation, which the promoters consider as fundamental for exclusion and or non-attribution of prizes.

11.2. Without prejudice to the rights of the promoters in each of these situations depicted in the above points, namely in regard to compensation, should the candidate be excluded, he/she must return any and all monetary prizes awarded within 8 days of being informed of such a decision.

12. Cancelation of the competition

12.1 The promoters reserve the right to alter or cancel the present competition at any moment of time, notifying all candidates by email and announcing the decision on the site.

12.2. The present competition may also be cancelled in case of force majeure or in the case that the applications received do not fulfil the minimum requirements of quality and/or creativity or if there are indices of restrictive or non-competitive behaviour or if there are not enough applications to deem the competition feasible.

12.3. The cancelling of the competition in the above terms does not confer any rights to any of the candidates or compensation of any type.

13. Other Conditions

13.1 The applications and documents that are submitted, as part of the application process will not be returned.

13.2 It is the sole responsibility of each candidate to support all costs associated with the research, preparation of the application, development of the ideas, production costs and all other administrative or other related costs with the preparation and submission of the application to enter the competition. Other costs that are the sole responsibility of the candidate include, and are not exclusive to, the participation in the events of the competition and the constitution of companies.

13.3 Any queries or requests for clarification about matters pertaining to the competition must be made to the jury, which will endeavour to reply within 5 working days, through the contact form, which will be made available on the site. The replies to the requests for clarification will be supplied to all the candidates subscribed to the site.

14. Publicity and Personal Data

14.1 Participants of the present competition, having registered online and/or filled out the application process for the competition, grant the identified promoters of the competition identified in point 17 of the present document, without any limits or retributions, the unconditional right, to include in a database, data relative to the competition and application process, content of the application and personal information of candidates.

The participants grant the promoters, the unconditional right, to make public and utilize all the information and content supplied by the candidate, and communicated/presented during the event/conference BIG CONF and any other event that may be organized within the scope of the competition. This also includes any and all personal information deemed necessary to promote the competition.

By accepting the rules and regulations, the candidates expressly authorize the promoters to film, capture in any format deemed adequate, and reproduce a compilation of all the projects, ideas and candidates chosen in the BIG CONF as well as any other organized within the scope of the competition. Candidates expressly authorize the promoters to use any of the content captured in film, audio or any other format, as part of their publicity activities, internally and externally.

14.2 Even though the platform has all the security measures deemed necessary, especially in the collection of personal data from contestants or interested individuals, the promoters warn all those wishing to sign up that any data that circulates in the web is not totally secure or protected from malicious attacks or other threats, namely passwords, confidential code and any other sensitive information, whereby all those that use the platform do so at their own responsibility.

14.3. The responsible entity for the database and the information held within it as per the legal requirements is Imatch-innovation ignition Lda., headquartered at Rua Dr. Augusto José Cunha, 11 – 3ºA, 1495-240 Oeiras.

The right of access to personal data and its rectification is guaranteed to the participant by a written request communication sent to the address of the entity responsible for the database.

14.4 The participants must not assume any compromise relative to the promotional and marketing activities, nor partake in any advertisement without first receiving a written consent from the promoters of the competition.

15. Exclusion of responsibility

15.1 Each participant is responsible for the protection of any and all potential rights associated to their intellectual property in relation to the application process and relevant documentation, for example by registering trademarks, patents, design, industrial models or others. As such, the promoters are not responsible for any costs resulting in losses, damages, accidents, costs or other responsibilities that are the sole responsibility of the participant, relative to any failure to correctly and adequately protect any intellectual property and/or industrial rights related to the application process and that may result from the participation in the present competition.

16. Legal

16.1 The present rules and regulations are governed by Portuguese law.

16.2 Any resolution of any litigation emerging from the present rules and regulations, relative to its interpretation and/or execution, that cannot be resolved amicably, will be judged only by the Camarca de Lisboa.

17. Promoters of the competiton

The following are the promoters of the competition:

VODAFONE PORTUGAL, COMUNICAÇÕES PESSOAIS S.A, designated in the presente rules and regulations in abreviated form as VODAFONE or Vodafone Portugal, with head office in the Sede na Avenida D. João II – Lote 1.04.01, 8º piso, in Lisboa, with capital social of €91.068.253,titular do número único fiscal e de matrícula na Conservatória do Registo Comercial de Lisboa Nº502544180,


IMATCH – INNOVATION IGNITION, LDA. designated in the presente rules and regulations in abreviated form as imatch with head office in Rua Dr. Augusto José Cunha, 11 – 3ºA, 1495-240 Oeiras, with capital social de 5.000 Euros, titular do número único fiscal e de matrícula na Conservatória do Registo Comercial de Cascais  508 681 766.