- published: 02 Jan 2018
- views: 6167
CMM is the abbreviation of:
Kevin MacLeod or Kevin McLeod may refer to:
A coordinate measuring machine (CMM) is a device for measuring the physical geometrical characteristics of an object. This machine may be manually controlled by an operator or it may be computer controlled. Measurements are defined by a probe attached to the third moving axis of this machine. Probes may be mechanical, optical, laser, or white light, amongst others. A machine which takes readings in six degrees of freedom and displays these readings in mathematical form is known as a CMM.
The typical 3D "bridge" CMM is composed of three axes, X, Y and Z. These axes are orthogonal to each other in a typical three-dimensional coordinate system. Each axis has a scale system that indicates the location of that axis. The machine reads the input from the touch probe, as directed by the operator or programmer. The machine then uses the X,Y,Z coordinates of each of these points to determine size and position with micrometer precision typically.
A coordinate measuring machine (CMM) is also a device used in manufacturing and assembly processes to test a part or assembly against the design intent. By precisely recording the X, Y, and Z coordinates of the target, points are generated which can then be analyzed via regression algorithms for the construction of features. These points are collected by using a probe that is positioned manually by an operator or automatically via Direct Computer Control (DCC). DCC CMMs can be programmed to repeatedly measure identical parts, thus a CMM is a specialized form of industrial robot
Creative Commons (CC) is a non-profit organization devoted to expanding the range of creative works available for others to build upon legally and to share. The organization has released several copyright-licenses known as Creative Commons licenses free of charge to the public. These licenses allow creators to communicate which rights they reserve, and which rights they waive for the benefit of recipients or other creators. An easy-to-understand one-page explanation of rights, with associated visual symbols, explains the specifics of each Creative Commons license. Creative Commons licenses do not replace copyright, but are based upon it. They replace individual negotiations for specific rights between copyright owner (licensor) and licensee, which are necessary under an "all rights reserved" copyright management, with a "some rights reserved" management employing standardized licenses for re-use cases where no commercial compensation is sought by the copyright owner. The result is an agile, low-overhead and low-cost copyright-management regime, profiting both copyright owners and licensees. Wikipedia uses one of these licenses.
Kevin (/ˈkɛv.ɪn/; Irish: Caoimhín [kiː.vʲiːnʲ], Middle Irish: Caoimhghín [kəiṽʲ.ʝiːnʲ], Old Irish: Cóemgein [koiṽʲ.ɣʲinʲ], Scottish Gaelic: Caomhainn, Latin: Coemgenus) is a male first name of Goidelic origin. Among the earliest famous bearers of the name was Saint Kevin, although Kevin is not a biblical name. Caoimhghín derives from the Irish caomh (Old Irish cóem) "kind, honest, handsome" and -gin (Old Irish gein) "birth". Kevin influenced the similarly Irish-derived Kelvin, as well as the Latin Calvin. "Kevin" is one of the top 100 male baby names in Chile, France, Hungary, Ireland, the Netherlands, Northern Ireland, Norway, Slovenia, Sweden and the United States. It can also be spelled Kevyn, Keven, or Kevan.
In the United Kingdom, its popularity peaked during the 1950s and 1960s, when it was frequently among the 20 most popular male first names, but by the 1990s it had fallen out of the top 100. In France, the name was very popular during the 1980s and 1990s, especially in the lower class. There is wide variation both on the pronunciation and accentation. A more Franco-Celtic pronunciation is often written as Kévin, while a consciously Anglo-American pronunciation is written without the accent. For example, French horseman Kevin Staut's and French runner Kévin Hautcœur's official websites differ, though the French media may pronounce both names similarly.
Ti Druzí: Revival Stories #1 "Tamara" | CMM | Český Minecraft Zombie Film / Seriál
CMM Instructional Video
Ti Druzí: Revival - 1. Díl "Pustina" | CMM | Český Minecraft Zombie Film / Seriál
CO BY SE STALO, KDYBY... #2 | CMM | Minecraft Sketch
CMM Probe Calibration
Coordinate Measuring Machines - 5 axis scanning CMM Measuring technology
Domorodci | CMM | Český Minecraft Sketch
Ti Druzí: Revival - 10. Díl - FINAL "Poslední dny" | CMM | Český Minecraft Zombie Film / Seriál
Working and principle of Co-ordinate measuring machine (CMM)
Ti Druzí: Revival - 4. Díl "Nahoře a dole" | CMM | Český Minecraft Zombie Film / Seriál
Ti Druzí: Revival - 8. Díl "Pod tlakem" | CMM | Český Minecraft Zombie Film / Seriál
Gear inspection using a Coordinate Measuring Machine
Different Types Of CMM (Coordinate Measuring Machine)
Ti Druzí: Revival - 3. Díl "Potížista" | CMM | Český Minecraft Zombie Film / Seriál
Ti Druzí: Revival - 6. Díl "Krev a pot" | CMM | Český Minecraft Zombie Film / Seriál
Ti Druzí: Revival - 7. Díl "Bratrství" | CMM | Český Minecraft Zombie Film / Seriál
Mitutoyo Crysta Plus M CMM
What Is Coordinate Measuring Machine ? | Types Of CMM (Coordinate Measuring Machine)
Ti Druzí: Revival - 9. Díl "Domobrana" | CMM | Český Minecraft Zombie Film / Seriál
Ti Druzí: Revival Stories je série několika epizod - postranních příběhů. Revival Stories dokumentují čas po konci série 5., nejsou však sérií 6. V této "bonusové" mini-sérii rozhodujte s rozmyslem, protože na vašich rozhodnutích bude velmi záležet v budoucím pokračování Ti Druzí: Revival. CMM Facebook Stránka: http://bit.ly/cmmfacebook PRODUKCE | PRODUCTION / Režie & Kamera: BiggerD / Scénář: BiggerD / Účinkovali ve videu: BiggerD, Liftclaw, Trixl / Střih: BiggerD / Intro: DeyD V případě zájmu o obchodní spolupráci nás kontaktujte prostřednictvím zprávy na naší Facebookové stránce - http://bit.ly/cmmfacebook AUTORSKÁ PATIČKA | COPYRIGHT Veškerá video tvorba studia CMM Production (YouTube kanálu GamerBiggerD - www.youtube.com/user/GamerBiggerD) podléhá autorské licenci Creative Co...
CMM Facebook Stránka: http://bit.ly/cmmfacebook Nové díly Ti Druzí: Revival každé pondělí v 15:00 PRODUKCE / HUDBA / COPYRIGHT ↓ Ti Druzí: Revival je nový příběh Yimira a Zakara, který nijak nenavazuje, ani nijak nesouvisí s předchozími sériemi Ti Druzí. Sledujte napínavý příběh dvojky Yimira a Zakara plný zvratů a překvapení každé pondělí v 15:00 na kanále CMM! PRODUKCE | PRODUCTION / Režie & Kamera: DeyD / Scénář: DeyD, BiggerD / Účinkovali ve videu: Resident, BiggerD, DeyD, DenisBro / Střih: DeyD / Intro: DeyD V případě zájmu o obchodní spolupráci nás kontaktujte prostřednictvím zprávy na naší Facebookové stránce - http://bit.ly/cmmfacebook HUDBA | MUSIC / "Twisted" by Kevin MacLeod - incompetech.com / "Prelude and Action" by Kevin MacLeod - incompetech.com / "Clash Defiant" by K...
CMM Facebook Stránka: http://bit.ly/cmmfacebook PRODUKCE | PRODUCTION / Režie & Kamera: DeyD / Scénář: BiggerD, Liftclaw, Liftclaw / Účinkovali ve videu: Liftclaw, DeyD, BiggerD, Tomcaik / Střih: DeyD V případě zájmu o obchodní spolupráci nás kontaktujte prostřednictvím zprávy na naší Facebookové stránce - http://bit.ly/cmmfacebook HUDBA | MUSIC / "Enchanted Valley" by Kevin MacLeod - incompetech.com / "Deuces" by Kevin MacLeod - incompetech.com / "Aggressor" by Kevin MacLeod - incompetech.com / "Brightly Fancy" by Kevin MacLeod - incompetech.com / "Meatball Parade" by Kevin MacLeod - incompetech.com / "Marty Gots a Plan" by Kevin MacLeod - incompetech.com / "Metaphysik" by Kevin MacLeod - incompetech.com / "Quirky Dog" by Kevin MacLeod - incompetech.com / "Satiate Percussion" by Ke...
Calibration of a probe tip on a manual wrist for a Hexagon Global Classic CMM using PC-DMIS.
High performance scanning on a Coordinate Measuring Machine for complex part geometry for a production measurement application is best performed by the use of a Renishaw REVO Scanning CMM. Providing 5 axis measurement capabilities including the ability to measure surface finish with the CMM Machine the Renishaw REVO is the first major CMM innovation for over 20 years. The Renishaw REVO has revolutionized CMM inspection cycle times using a CMM Machine and has reduced CMM inspection times by 75% or evn more. Suitable for all high accuracy prismatic parts REVO is particularly suitable for complex aerospace and automotive parts. For more information check out http://www.coord3-cmm.com/renishaw-revo-5-axis-cmm-scanning-measurement/
CMM Facebook Stránka: http://bit.ly/cmmfacebook PRODUKCE | PRODUCTION / Režie & Kamera: DeyD / Scénář: DeyD, BiggerD, Liftclaw / Účinkovali ve videu: Liftclaw, DeyD, BiggerD, Tomcaik / Střih: DeyD V případě zájmu o obchodní spolupráci nás kontaktujte prostřednictvím zprávy na naší Facebookové stránce - http://bit.ly/cmmfacebook HUDBA | MUSIC / "Aggressor" by Kevin MacLeod - incompetech.com / "Division" by Kevin MacLeod - incompetech.com / "Funin and Sunin" by Kevin MacLeod - incompetech.com / "March of the Spoons" by Kevin MacLeod - incompetech.com / "Mischief Maker" by Kevin MacLeod - incompetech.com / "Moonlight Hall" by Kevin MacLeod - incompetech.com / "The Snow Queen" by Kevin MacLeod - incompetech.com / "Unholy Knight" by Kevin MacLeod - incompetech.com / "Zazie" by Kevin MacL...
HLASUJ O NOVÉM CMM MERCHI 2018 https://goo.gl/forms/2FUHZPLuvlR3RbAy2 CMM Facebook Stránka: http://bit.ly/cmmfacebook PRODUKCE | PRODUCTION / Režie & Kamera: DeyD / Scénář: DeyD, BiggerD / Účinkovali ve videu: Resident, BiggerD, DeyD, DenisBro, Liftclaw, LorexCZ, Tomcaik / Střih: DeyD / Intro: DeyD V případě zájmu o obchodní spolupráci nás kontaktujte prostřednictvím zprávy na naší Facebookové stránce - http://bit.ly/cmmfacebook HUDBA | MUSIC / "Forever" by SiriusBeat - youtube.com/SiriusBeatTV / "Sacred Flame" by SiriusBeat - youtube.com/SiriusBeatTV / "My Story" by SiriusBeat - youtube.com/SiriusBeatTV / "The Feed" by SiriusBeat - youtube.com/SiriusBeatTV / "Fire in my eyes" by SiriusBeat - youtube.com/SiriusBeatTV / "Cast Away" by SiriusBeat - youtube.com/SiriusBeatTV / "Anti H...
CMM Facebook Stránka: http://bit.ly/cmmfacebook Nové díly Ti Druzí: Revival každé pondělí v 15:00 PRODUKCE / HUDBA / COPYRIGHT ↓ PRODUKCE | PRODUCTION / Režie & Kamera: DeyD / Scénář: DeyD, BiggerD / Účinkovali: Liftclaw, Resident, BiggerD, DeyD, DenisBro / Střih: DeyD / Intro: DeyD V případě zájmu o obchodní spolupráci nás kontaktujte prostřednictvím zprávy na naší Facebookové stránce - http://bit.ly/cmmfacebook HUDBA | MUSIC / "/Prelude and Action by Kevin MacLeod - incompetech.com / "The Chase" by Geoff Harvey - purple-planet.com / "War Hammer" by Geoff Harvey - purple-planet.com / "Last Stand" by Geoff Harvey - purple-planet.com / "Death March" by Geoff Harvey - purple-planet.com / "Slowly Creeping" by Geoff Harvey - purple-planet.com / "Spy Story" by Geoff Harvey - purple-planet...
CMM Facebook Stránka: http://bit.ly/cmmfacebook PRODUKCE | PRODUCTION / Režie & Kamera: DeyD / Scénář: DeyD, BiggerD / Účinkovali ve videu: BiggerD, DeyD, Tomcaik, DenisBro / Střih: DeyD / Intro: DeyD V případě zájmu o obchodní spolupráci nás kontaktujte prostřednictvím zprávy na naší Facebookové stránce - http://bit.ly/cmmfacebook HUDBA | MUSIC / "Anti Hero" by SiriusBeat - youtube.com/SiriusBeatTV / "Rebellion" by SiriusBeat - youtube.com/SiriusBeatTV / "Heroes" by SiriusBeat - youtube.com/SiriusBeatTV / "Shadow self" by SiriusBeat - youtube.com/SiriusBeatTV / "Nobility" by SiriusBeat - youtube.com/SiriusBeatTV / "Colorless Aura" by SiriusBeat - youtube.com/SiriusBeatTV / "My story" by SiriusBeat - youtube.com/SiriusBeatTV / "Frozen in Time" by SiriusBeat - youtube.com/SiriusBeatT...
The next generation of Ultra High Accuracy CMM's are making Gear Inspection more of a reality, it is often assumed the only way to really check a gear accurately is by inspecting it on a dedicated Gear Checking Machine, however that is most definitely not the case any more. Visit - http://www.gearmeasurement.co.uk/
CAPABILITY MATURITY MODEL (CMM) notes-https://viden.io/knowledge/cmmi?utm_campaign=creator_campaign&utm;_medium=referral&utm;_source=youtube&utm;_term=ajaze-khan-1 search and find relevant notes-https://viden.io/knowledge/software-testing?utm_campaign=creator_campaign&utm;_medium=referral&utm;_source=youtube&utm;_term=ajaze-khan-1
There are Many different types of coordinate measuring machines used in industry depending upon their measuring range, precision and area of application. Basic Types of cmm Coordinate Measuring Machine are: 1)Fixed Bridge type cmm machine, 2)Moving Bridge type cmm measuring machine, 3)Horizontal Arm type cmm measuring machine, 4)Column type cmm measuring machine,, 5)Cantilever Type cmm measuring machine, 6)Gantry type cmm measuring machine, Top 3 cmm manufacturers Are: 1)Mitutoyo cmm 2)Renishaw cmm 3)Zeiss cmm machine Many cmm services provide full cmm training with including cmm programming in cmm software. 1)Top Youtube Seo Experts Advice For How To Promote Your Youtube Channel / Website https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lK3bMrcMjCg 2)10 Healthy Reasons to Eat An Apricot Kernels Or Se...
CMM Facebook Stránka: http://bit.ly/cmmfacebook Nové díly Ti Druzí: Revival každé pondělí v 15:00 PRODUKCE / HUDBA / COPYRIGHT ↓ PRODUKCE | PRODUCTION / Režie & Kamera: DeyD / Scénář: DeyD, BiggerD / Účinkovali: Liftclaw, Tomcaik, BiggerD, DeyD / Střih: DeyD / Intro: DeyD V případě zájmu o obchodní spolupráci nás kontaktujte prostřednictvím zprávy na naší Facebookové stránce - http://bit.ly/cmmfacebook HUDBA | MUSIC / "The Chase" by Geoff Harvey - purple-planet.com / "In Doubt" by Geoff Harvey - purple-planet.com / "Last Stand" by Geoff Harvey - purple-planet.com / "In Pursuit" by Geoff Harvey - purple-planet.com / "Spy Story" by Geoff Harvey - purple-planet.com AUTORSKÁ PATIČKA | COPYRIGHT Veškerá video tvorba studia CMM Production (YouTube kanálu GamerBiggerD - www.youtube.com/us...
CMM Facebook Stránka: http://bit.ly/cmmfacebook PRODUKCE | PRODUCTION / Režie & Kamera: DeyD / Scénář: DeyD, BiggerD / Účinkovali ve videu: Resident, BiggerD, DeyD, Liftclaw, Tomcaik / Střih: DeyD / Intro: DeyD V případě zájmu o obchodní spolupráci nás kontaktujte prostřednictvím zprávy na naší Facebookové stránce - http://bit.ly/cmmfacebook HUDBA | MUSIC / "Clash Defiant" by Kevin MacLeod - incompetech.com / "Rebellion" by SiriusBeat - youtube.com/SiriusBeatTV / "Hybrids" by SiriusBeat - youtube.com/SiriusBeatTV / "Blue" by SiriusBeat - youtube.com/SiriusBeatTV / "On Fire" by SiriusBeat - youtube.com/SiriusBeatTV / "The Chosen" by SiriusBeat - youtube.com/SiriusBeatTV / "Master Key" by SiriusBeat - youtube.com/SiriusBeatTV / "Land of Bones" by SiriusBeat - youtube.com/SiriusBeatTV ...
CMM Facebook Stránka: http://bit.ly/cmmfacebook PRODUKCE | PRODUCTION / Režie & Kamera: DeyD / Scénář: DeyD, BiggerD / Účinkovali ve videu: Resident, BiggerD, DeyD, Tomcaik, DenisBro / Střih: DeyD / Intro: DeyD V případě zájmu o obchodní spolupráci nás kontaktujte prostřednictvím zprávy na naší Facebookové stránce - http://bit.ly/cmmfacebook HUDBA | MUSIC / "The Feed" by SiriusBeat - youtube.com/SiriusBeatTV / "Fire in my eyes" by SiriusBeat - youtube.com/SiriusBeatTV / "Blue" by SiriusBeat - youtube.com/SiriusBeatTV / "Frozen in time" by SiriusBeat - youtube.com/SiriusBeatTV / "Losing you" by Witt Lowry - youtube.com/WittyOfficial / "Sacred flame" by SiriusBeat - youtube.com/SiriusBeatTV AUTORSKÁ PATIČKA | COPYRIGHT Veškerá video tvorba studia CMM Production (YouTube kanálu Gamer...
Mitutoyo Crysta Plus-M 544 Manual CMM Installed in February 2013 by Mitutoyo, Mitutoyo recalibrated CMM in February 2014, Still not used. Hence sale. Never used, Immaculate condition. Measuring envelope X = 500 Y = 400 Z = 400 Mitutoyo GEOPAK MCCOSMOS V3.3.R4 Contour option & StatPak option Made in 2008 Installed 2013 New by Mitutoyo. Renishaw MH20i Probe and Manual Standard TP20 Module Kit 20mm Ceramic Datum Ball Plastic Working plain angle identifier. Software disc Cleaning material for stylus and module (Used once). Full clamp set 30mm to 150mm Bars 8 small, 8 medium and 2 large Serrated clamps. 6 Top clamps PC Z220 workstation with Windows 7 Pro i3 processor 4gb Ram HP Officejet 6100 laser printer AOC E2260Sw 22" LED Flat Screen 109cm Deep 111cm Wide 228cm High Weight: 500...
Coordinate measuring machine (CMM) is a device for measuring the physical geometrical characteristics of an object With operate Manually Or computer controlled.CMM machine Price Start minimum $2000 to Maximum What Customers requirement. Cmm Also Divided in Types Of cmm probes.If You Have Any Question About CMM Likewise how to do cmm calibration,what type of cmm fixtures used in cmm coordinate measuring machine? ,Where is cmm machine for sale? ,Top 10 cmm inspection services ,How much different types of cmm machine price ? ,top institute of cmm machine training , top cmm manufacturers companies,types of cmm programming software,top cmm services center in USA,INDIA,UK,UAE , how to buy mitutoyo cmm,portable cmm,renishaw cmm,zeiss cmm machine. Then Write In COMMENT BOX. Types Of CMM (Coordin...
CMM Facebook Stránka: http://bit.ly/cmmfacebook PRODUKCE | PRODUCTION / Režie & Kamera: DeyD / Scénář: DeyD, BiggerD / Účinkovali ve videu: BiggerD, DeyD, Tomcaik, LorexCZ, Resident / Střih: DeyD / Intro: DeyD V případě zájmu o obchodní spolupráci nás kontaktujte prostřednictvím zprávy na naší Facebookové stránce - http://bit.ly/cmmfacebook HUDBA | MUSIC / "Anti Hero" by SiriusBeat - youtube.com/SiriusBeatTV / "Heroes" by SiriusBeat - youtube.com/SiriusBeatTV / "My Story" by SiriusBeat - youtube.com/SiriusBeatTV / "Dreaming Awake" by SiriusBeat - youtube.com/SiriusBeatTV / "Sleeping Giant" by SiriusBeat - youtube.com/SiriusBeatTV / "Blue" by SiriusBeat - youtube.com/SiriusBeatTV / "The Feed" by SiriusBeat - youtube.com/SiriusBeatTV / "Master Key" by SiriusBeat - youtube.com/SiriusBe...
I'm sittin' here thinkin' about you tonight
And all that you mean to me
I used to think I would never fall in love again
I guess I was wrong
When your heart was broken
When your wounded pride was laid to rest, baby
You'll never open your heart to anyone else you said
But you lied, I know you're lyin' tome
You see your mind might be made up, mmm
But your heart has got it's own plans
There's no one to blame for false pride, tellin' lies,
tryin' to hide
From feelin' the pain, I know you don't wanna feel it
There's nowhere to hide when the love is callin' your
name, yeah
From the dark, babe, nowhere to hide, baby
There's nowhere to hide, so let love have it's way
with your heart
When love calls, love calls, love calls your name
It's on my lips
And I wish that you were still here
To take me away with your kiss
And take me away from all this crazy, crazy
'Cause too many words have been spoken, mmm
Too many lies have been told, baby
You'll never do it again you told yourself over and
over and over
You're wrong, dead wrong, babe, yeah
There's nowhere to hide, mmm, when love is callin'
your name
In from the dark, baby, nowhere to run, girl
There's nowhere to hide, yeah, so let love have its
way, girl, with your heart, babe
Love calls, love calls
There's nowhere to hide, yeah, when love calls your
You fall apart, baby
Nowhere to hide, nowhere to run when love is on its
way, girl, to your heart, baby
When love calls, love calls your name, babe
Love's callin' your name, hey, hey
It's callin' out for, callin' out for me, baby
Love's on its way, baby, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
I'm sittin' here thinkin' about you tonight
And how you make me feel
The sweetness of your touch
The softness of your voice, mmm
You make me wanna be a better man, baby
And I wanna thank you for calling me into your life