Dad mows lawn as tornado looms

 Photo: Getty Images

Dads everywhere who use the old "looks like rain" line to put off mowing the lawn will never be able to use that excuse again.

A very determined Theunis Wessels has refused to let the small issue of a looming tornado stop him from ticking off his list of chores, making him an instant social media hit.

As dark clouds gathered around his Canadian home on Friday afternoon, Theunis was focused only on the busy weekend ahead. And he needed to get the lawn cut.

"I just had to get it cut," Theunis told CTV News. "A lot of things happening over the weekend. Children were attending swim meets and some other sporting events over the weekend, so I had to make sure I got it done."

Theunis's wife was having an afternoon nap at the time he chose to mow (because everyone knows the best time to run a noisy mower is when your wife is trying to get some rest). His nine-year-old daughter saw the storm brewing and asked her dad to come inside. When he brushed her off, she woke up her mother.

Cecilia Wessels awoke to the scene of her husband mowing the lawn with a massive tornado behind him. She snapped off a few shots and asked him to come inside.

"I did ask him if he was coming inside with that thing in the clouds when I turned to come inside and he calmly said no," she told the Associated Press.

Theunis told Cecilia he was closely watching the tornado and would remain safe. The Wessels family is originally from South Africa, and none of them had ever seen a tornado before.

"It was just forming and getting bigger," Theunis said. "I was seeing it coming up. I was just watching it all the time. I was keeping an eye on it."

Theunis said the tornado was much further away than it looks in the picture, and it was moving away from the family home, rather than towards it, so he wasn't worried.

The twister moved on, never coming near the Wessels home. No injuries were reported, although it did bring down some trees and blow a roof off a barn.

Cecilia posted the photo of Theunis on social media, where it has been shared thousands of times.

Speaking to CTV, Theunis proudly said, "I did get the lawn finished and it looks nice."