15 reasons the hard work of motherhood is worth it

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Let's face it - motherhood is no picnic. On the best of days, it's easily one of the dirtiest, most thankless and gruelling jobs on the planet.

Every new day is jam-packed with tantrums, tears and a medley of bodily fluids; ranging from vomit to poop (yes, poop counts as a bodily fluid when you have a baby) - all courtesy of your little bundle of joy.

On the worst of days, it's a roller-coaster ride of emotions that will leave you questioning your sanity as you breathlessly attempt to juggle caring for this tiny person who depends on you for their every need, and trying desperately (in vain, of course) to get a handle on the sheer chaos that was once your tidy, functioning home. All the while fighting off the urge to crawl under the bed and curl up into a sobbing mess, because surely you MUST be the world's worst mother for feeling so damn inadequate and overwhelmed.

We've all been there and lived to tell the tale, too.

So why do so many mums decide to have 2,3 or even 4 or more children? Why do so many of us consciously choose to put ourselves through the all consuming madness that goes hand in hand with having a baby and raising kids?

Is it because baby number one drove us beyond the brink of madness and we're no longer capable of making reasonable decisions? Or is it because of those special, irreplaceable moments that make our hearts brim with that amazing love only a mother can experience?

Those fleeting moments are what makes every sleepless night, missed shower and overflowing laundry basket more than worth it - so much so, that we'd happily do it over and over again!

Been a while since you've experienced one of these? Feel like you need a reminder; before you run, screaming, for the hills? Then take a deep breath, and read on to rediscover a few of motherhood's silver linings.

  1. Those beautiful gummy grins of pure and unadulterated joy your baby bestows upon you every time you enter the room.
  2. Chunky armed hugs that don't quite reach all the way around your neck.
  3. The reward of helpless giggles after you've spent twenty minutes making an absolute fool of yourself.
  4. The way your baby bops to their favourite song.
  5. The way your baby tries to sing along to their favourite song - even though they can't really talk yet.
  6. Snuggles on cold days - babies make the ultimate personal (and portable) heaters!
  7. The wonder of seeing your baby nailing the skill of crawling /walking/running/talking, when just yesterday it seemed they never would.
  8. That moment when they finally fall asleep, looking so angelic you're almost tempted to kiss and squeeze them awake - almost.
  9. The first "Wuv you, mama".
  10. Watching the pride and excitement on your kid's face when they finally master something you taught them - tying their shoelaces, buttoning a shirt, drawing a flower.
  11. When they hug you and tell you you're the best mum/cook/baker/whatever - in one little person's eyes you are amazing!
  12. When they present you with the first inside-out, misspelled card that says you're the best mum/cook/baker/whatever.
  13. Those cuddles and kisses you get out of the blue and for no reason other than "I love you".
  14. The fact that your child truly believes you know everything - at least somebody does!
  15. Simply being able to play with your kids. Pity the poor souls who don't play soccer, ride a scooter or attempt to skateboard for the first time at the age of 30, for fear of looking like a fool. While you secretly (or not so secretly) get to relish the fact that being a mother naturally earns you the right to behave like a buffoon - you're only doing it for the children, after all. .