- published: 01 Oct 2013
- views: 171152
MPEG-4 Part 14 or MP4 is a digital multimedia format most commonly used to store video and audio, but can also be used to store other data such as subtitles and still images. Like most modern container formats, it allows streaming over the Internet. The only official filename extension for MPEG-4 Part 14 files is .mp4, but many have other extensions, most commonly .m4a and .m4p. M4A (audio only) is often compressed using AAC encoding (lossy), but can also be in Apple Lossless format. M4P is a protected format which employs DRM technology to restrict copying. MPEG-4 Part 14 (formally ISO/IEC 14496-14:2003) is a standard specified as a part of MPEG-4.
Some devices advertised as "MP4 Players" are simply MP3 Players that also play AMV video or some other video format, and do not necessarily play the MPEG-4 Part 14 format.
MPEG-4 Part 14 is an instance of the more general ISO/IEC 14496-12:2004 (MPEG-4 Part 12: ISO base media file format) which is directly based upon the QuickTime File Format. MPEG-4 Part 14 is essentially identical to the QuickTime file format, but formally specifies support for Initial Object Descriptors (IOD) and other MPEG features. MPEG-4 Part 14 revises and completely replaces Clause 13 of ISO/IEC 14496-1 (MPEG-4 Part 1: Systems), in which the file format for MPEG-4 content was previously specified.
Dil Tu Hi Bataa - Krrish 3 - Video Song.mp4
MP4 feat. 張茵 - 乜野係戀愛 (KTV)
MP4-LMF - 你老豆索K
你老豆索K MP4 LMF 你老豆咪索K MTV【清畫面版 】disco music ㊣_㊣
indian new songs 2013.mp4
MP4 - 娛樂零零狗
saree ke fall sa video HD MP4 song R Rajkumar...hindi film full HD 104 mb
Sarba .mp4
Ladki Badi Anjani Hai - Kuch Kuch Hota Hai (720p HD Song).mp4
MP4-LMF - 你老豆索K
《 老豆咪索茄 MP4 》【 歌詞 】 disco music Everyone say HEY~ 你老豆索K (HEY~你老豆索K) Come on now! Everyone say HEY~ 你老豆索K (HEY~你老豆索K) 點解香港既夜場會攪到咁既樣 皆因潮流趨勢全部都係果D fing頭場 不論大細disco與骨場, 全部都係咁既賣相 九流既裝修, 同埋果D低級音響 得果幾枝燈又點樣睇到你全相 全場黑蚊蚊 豬扒都可以變女神! 唉~遠睇誇啦啦 , 近睇吹喇叭 人山人海晚晚爆場 , 你都吹佢唔脹 全晚中文歌 , 總之fing到你甩蘿 極速煞科viva 仲有黎明跟住播 DJ remix加長版, 轟到你地眼"坦坦"! 你話唔夠喉, 仲要走去問下你老豆 佢話呢排興索K , 你唔駛眼啤啤 阿仔跟住 埋黎索下你就知道係乜野 佢成50幾歲人 , 晚晚落去disco"親"呀! 仲有心臟病咁high法遲早都會釘 Everyone say HEY~ 你老豆索K (HEY~你老豆索K) Come on now! Everyone say HEY~ 你老豆索K (HEY~你老豆索K) 拿住張visa擺係台到界兩下 一卡旁身世界通行 , 真係無吹水架 一行界比你大佬,再界多行比你大嫂 "杏"家索"暈"曬 , 仲爭老豆果行未界 佢話可樂就黎得多, 索K 只係小兒科 盡地一保 用盡全力索入個鼻哥 點知老豆一聲"哎也" , 有野"cake"住阻 猛大個鼻窿睇下發覺D鼻毛未剪過 老豆你好"辣達" , D野留係手指甲 幾經辛苦索入直路 , 直頭上左腦 我問佢high完feeling 佢話睇野都凸不平 雙腳飄飄然 , 感覺好似做左神仙 ...
Watch Hindi Songs...............Wilson..................South Korea
Hi people
I have a good newest fot you
The duble and be for have a new music
It's looks likes the table
So he's a little bit different
Let's play DJ
I'm sorry
I have a datail for you
The book is on the table
The dog is on the table
The cat is on the table
The chicken is on the table
And everybody is on the table
Table, table, table, table, table, table...
And everybody is on the table
And everybody is on the table
And everybody is on the table, table, table, table...
The book is on the table
The woman is on the table
The man is on the table
The chair is on the table
And everybody is on the table
Table, table, table, table, table, table...
Table, table, table, table, table, table...
The book is on the table, table, table, table, table...
And everybody is on the table, table, table, table...
And everybody is on the table, table, table, table...
Table, table, table, table, table, table, table, table, table, table, table...
And everybody is on the table!