Daily Life


Cactus comes of age: how a prickly pest became this year's must-have plant

A new book taps into our growing fascination with these drought-tolerant survivors.

As collections go, cacti would have to be one of the most inconvenient. Dan Torre started amassing these unwieldy, prickly, hostile-looking plants in the 1980s as a teenager in Southern California and by the time he moved to Australia in the '90s he had "hundreds and hundreds" to pass on to friends and family. After arriving in Sydney, he started acquiring them again, and then again five years later when he moved to Melbourne.

He's not sure exactly how many cacti he has growing in his eastern-suburbs garden but it is several hundred. He likes their unusual shapes, sculptural presence and endless variation. His garden, though, is off limits because he is in the throes of renovating. Instead, we meet amid the cacti at the Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne to discuss his just-published book Cactus.

Torre, who teaches animation and film in the school of media and communications at RMIT, says his home garden contains some of the more slow-growing species from "very arid" parts of Mexico and South America. While all cacti like the dry, these ones like it especially dry and are prone to instant rot when water-logged. But his collection also includes epiphytic cacti (such as the popular Rhipsalis species) that can handle more moisture as well as some of the more robust offerings he first had as a teenager.

In his book he describes how easy it is to go from owning "just a few dozen" to thousands of cacti. There's not only the compulsion to acquire new specimens but the tendency for existing specimens to multiply as well.

Traditionally, many gardeners have been disparaging of the family Cactaceae, which contains about 1500 species as well as countless hybrids, cultivars and mutations. Sometimes described as monstrous and menacing, these plants have been "frequently misunderstood", says Torre. But in the course of his three-decade-long relationship with the plants he has watched the mood shift. Cacti are no longer fringe but mainstream, and mostly legal to boot.

All cacti were banned in Queensland for many years as a result of the invasion – over vast swathes of agricultural land – of prickly pear (Opuntia species). The problem was largely alleviated by the Cactoblastis moth and Torre writes that now "only a few" varieties (predominantly invasive prickly pears) remain illegal.


And now all cacti, especially columnar and barrel ones, are the plants of the moment. Cactus-print cushions and sheets are sold in department stores, and prickly-pear-shaped chairs at upmarket design shops.

Torre says cacti are popular not just for their looks but also their hardiness in scorching heat and prolonged drought. With small bumps called areoles, out of which grow clusters of spines, flowers, hairs, stems and occasionally leaves, the plants have the adaptability to survive long periods without water. Specialised stomata close during the day and open at night, and the plants carry out water-saving CAM (crassulacean acid metabolism) photosynthesis.

In these days of productive gardening, cacti are also gaining popularity as a food. The fruits of the prickly pear have been eaten in the Americas for thousands of years but Melburnians are increasingly savouring them (they are currently in season, and in greengrocers all over town). Dragon fruits, which grow on Hylocereus undatus, a climbing cactus endemic to Mexican forests, have long flourished in Asia, particularly Vietnam, and are now frequently cultivated in tropical parts of Australia as well.

But Torre writes that the best-tasting fruit can be found on some of the tallest columnar cacti, particularly the Stenocereus species. "These have historically been available commercially only in South America and Mexico but they are beginning to be introduced elsewhere." Most cacti also have edible flowers, while several varieties can be eaten as a vegetable, including the pads (cladodes) of prickly pears.

Torre's book also looks at cacti in art, literature, linguistic phrases and popular culture. There are cactus fences, cactus medicines and cactus societies. For a family of plants that has, at times, been widely loathed, it has managed to permeate every aspect of our lives.

Cactus is published by Reaktion Books, $32.99