Daily Life


Oprah is pretty much the only celebrity ruling out a presidential run

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson for president? Maybe. Kanye West? Suuure, why not?

But one celebrity who is definitely, certainly not going to be on a ballot: Oprah Winfrey.

The media mogul swatted down whatever talk there had ever been about her someday, possibly going into politics with the kind of definitive answer few people (paging Chelsea Clinton!) can manage. "I will never run for public office," she said on a Hollywood Reporter podcast, when asked if she'd face off against President Donald Trump in 2020 even if she was the only person who could beat him.

Winfrey had previously said "no way" to a political bid, but the Oprah-mentum machine started up again back in March, when the former talk show host got a little flirty with the idea. In an interview with billionaire/philanthropist David Rubenstein, she said she was rethinking her past stance. "I thought, 'Oh gee, I don't have the experience, I don't know enough,' " she said. "And now I'm thinking, 'Oh.'"

Looks like that "oh" has turned into an "oh, no thanks."

To help ease the disappointment we've come up with a list of the five celebrity women who should definitely run for president. Because if now isn't the time to think about throwing your hat into the ring, then when? 


Jessica Chastain
​The actress is one the most politically engaged celebrities out there, and while she's ruled herself out of a political career sometimes you just can't resist the call. You know?

Shonda Rhimes

Hello, the woman is the creator of Scandal for one. The other? Rhimes is outspoken, articulate and passionate about women's rights, police brutality and feminism for starters. She'd fight the good fight.

Ellen Degeneres

The talkshow host has been outspoken on Trump's immigration ban among other issues and would advocate for equality and fairness. Plus, imagine all the jokes she could play in the White House? 

Brie Larsen

The actress is a sexual assault victim advocate and politically engaged - she'd be a voice for people who need to be heard.


The multi-grammy winning singer, actress and songwriter is already hobnobbing with Julia Gillard and cares about issues like education. Plus, imagine the inauguration!

Fairfax Media with The Washington Post