The new type of debt fuelling private equity's next buying spree

Covenant-lite debt in Australian dollars is being used to refinance debt for after school care group Camp Australia.
Covenant-lite debt in Australian dollars is being used to refinance debt for after school care group Camp Australia. Wolter Peeters

Banks may be withdrawing from leveraged buyouts but a new institutional market is growing to pick up the slack: $A-denominated covenant lite loans.

The $A term loan B facilities (TLB),  which is debt issued with very few restrictions, have until recently been mainly priced and printed out of the US market. Now, they are gaining favour with local lenders, eager to secure deal flow and curry favour with larger, global funds as private equity activity picks up.

For private equity funds, using debt in Australian dollars takes out or reduces currency fluctuations, meaning the debt is far less risky to use and there is no need to hedge.

In April, Bain Capital Private Equity was in the market syndicating the debt for its $400 million acquisition of after school care business Camp Australia.

Now, its bankers are in the market seeking to refinance a portion of the $320 million of debt in $A TLB, possibly with a five to seven-year tenure. 

The emergence and growth of local investors willing to buy $A covenant lite debt signals how the major banks retreating from the market has created a gap, as well as how the market is supporting the rise in private equity deals. 

"Any buyout of scale will most likely require funding support from the large money centres, but it's pleasing to see our market is finally evolving. This is seen in the 'covenant lite' tranches that have been placed domestically in the past 24 months," says Goldman Sachs Australia co-head of financing Chris Champion.

Funds still growing 

"We have seen institutional funds continue to grow and support the local leverage loan market. There has been a healthy mix of domestic credit funds and international funds dedicating resources locally."

As well as global investment banks, ASX-listed annuities company Challenger, NAB-backed Metrics Credit Partners, which launched in 2012, Kapstream, ICG and Partners Group have been active in the space. 

Debt sources said that if deals in either Fairfax Media, on which Hellman & Friedman and TPG are conducting due diligence, and Vocus Group, for which KKR has tabled an indicative bid of $2.2 billion, were finalised, they would expect to see a portion of $A TLB in the funding mix. However, they said both deals will be an important test of how much $A TLB debt the market was willing to offer.

Nomura Australia's co-head of sponsors Nick Ellmore says securing $500 million of covenant-lite or "covenant-loose" $A debt in a private equity transaction will be the next big test for the market. And he says it's possible. 

"We are not at the heady heights we were pre-GFC. But there is more flexibility around credit terms (leverage, pricing, terms etc) to support high EV multiples, and we're seeing that globally as well," he says.

"It's a sign of more confidence in the market and depth of liquidity away from traditional bank lending. I also think debt structures are now more reflective of the robust underlying credits they are financing."

Aside from Camp Australia, $A TLB has been used  in the Iron Mountain acquisition of Recall and before that, with Apollo's purchase of Leighton Services. Baring Private Equity issued into the US with an $A-denominated tranche when it bought SAI Global, a slightly different twist. 

Market evolved

During the GFC, covenant-lite loans were criticised for fuelling free and easy credit conditions, which helped to drive a large volume of M&A; and private equity transactions in which banks had very little ability to call back loans. 

Sources say the market has in part evolved locally because investment banks no longer have such large balance sheets to finance client transactions, but can compete against the domestic banks by using their distribution network to get debt. They note that to date deals have tended to be for global private equity players, rather than smaller domestic funds.

Metrics' Andrew Lockhart, whose fund has participated in $A-denominated covenant lite deals, says increasing regulatory pressure on banks means the institutional market will continue to grow. But he warned that each issue needed to be scrutinised on a deal by deal basis, and investors should be wary of just chasing yield.

"We would see it as an immature market with this liquidity, therefore when swapped back to Australian dollars there should be a pricing premium to the US. And that's been the case in deals so far," he says. 

"The lending fee is less attractive than direct lending transactions we are involved in. We think some investors are less experienced and just chasing yield ... in the overall context of our lending activities, it's still a very small and patchy part of what is a much larger inter-bank market," he says.

"However, given the increasing regulatory pressure applied to banks, an institutional market will no doubt develop."

Champion says that local loan market volumes remain relatively low so far this year for both M&A; funding and refinancing. But he says global markets were very active.