Liberal Party at David Paradice's pad

Life of the party: David Paradice is a believer in saving the environment.
Life of the party: David Paradice is a believer in saving the environment. Louise Kennerley

The Mid Winter Ball may have taken place in Canberra on Wednesday night, but the true meeting of the minds will be held in a few weeks time in Sydney.

Step forward our favourite rich lister and stock picker David Paradice (hangs with Cadel Evans, has copies of Dr Seuss books in his office reception – what's not to like?) who we've found out will letting all sorts of Liberal Party types trample through his nice residence overlooking Bondi Beach on July 4.

Para is hosting the Liberal Party's Winter Reception with the Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull for a couple of hours that evening before the party presumably kicks on to the nearby North Bondi RSL.

According to a missive sent around by Liberal Party honorary federal treasurer Andrew Burnes yesterday, the evening presents those stumping up the cash the "opportunity to interact with business, industry and community leaders in this informal manner".

All of this is well and good but we'd love to be a fly on the wall at the House of Para, the owner of which received a Queen's Birthday gong at the start of this week for his service to the community for philanthropy, charity and business and commerce in the field of investment management.

Para you see is well known for some of his more strident views about the environment and how it is actually worth saving. So, in other words, he's probably in favour of the introduction of the clean energy target that, well, the PM is having a hard time rallying the troops around.

Old mate Para even has designs on establishing a global responsible investment fund and has even been studying a social justice subject at the University of Denver, in that notable dope smoking state of Colorado, where the great man spends most of his time these days.

Goodness me!!

This will all – we hope – be big points of discussion when Turnbull and his gang head around for drinks and canapes on July 4.