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Aldi signs up to Tax Transparency Code

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ALDI Australia has signed up to the federal government's voluntary Tax Transparency Code, which will require the retail giant to give taxpayers some level of disclosure about its highly secretive tax affairs.

ALDI, one of the country's biggest retailers with $7.5 billion in annual sales, had been urged to join the Voluntary Tax Transparency Code by its retail rival Wesfarmers, which two years ago also suggested Aldi was not paying enough tax.

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Now after mulling whether to join the code for at least 10 months, Aldi said its decision to sign up to the Tax Transparency Code reinforced its commitment to "operating with the highest levels of integrity and transparency."

Its first report is due to be published on its website in September.

The retailer is one of a small number of private companies to sign up to the code, which allows businesses to voluntarily tell their own tax story. 

The code is supported by big business lobby groups including the Business Council of Australia and Corporate Tax Association, which believe that it's better companies volunteer information in order to avoid "a prescriptive approach".


But tax transparency groups have said the code is not worth the piece of paper its written on, since it will not require companies to disclose detailed information, including country-by-country financial data that shows if companies are sending profits to lower-tax nations offshore. 

ALDI's Australia CEO, Tom Daunt, said Aldi "supports greater tax disclosure in Australia as this reflects our commitment to regulatory compliance and increased transparency on our tax strategy and corporate governance."  

He said ALDI had an "open and positive working relationship" with the Australian Taxation Office and paid on average 31 per cent of pre-tax profits to the ATO. 

The company  operates more than 460 stores across the nation and employs 10,000 people.

Aldi's transparency and tax arrangements have come under the spotlight because it is structured as a limited partnership, which is unusual in Australia.

Limited partnerships are registered with the states and territories and are not required to be audited or to disclose accounts to ASIC (if Aldi did, its accounts would be available to the public and competitors). 

While it does file accounts for two Aldi entities - Aldi Pty Ltd and Aldi Foods - these are not the usual consolidated financial statements that would include information such as the cost of sales, inventories and assets. Aldi's accounts show its Australian business as just a one-line investment asset with no detail on sales, gross profit or profit, to the disappointment of some accounting experts.

Questioned whether its commitment to tax transparency extended to filing consolidated accounts, Aldi suggested no. 

"Aldi has and always will meet its reporting obligations with ASIC," it said in a statement. "Aldi began in Australia as a registered limited partnership and the registered corporations of this partnership have always filed their accounts with ASIC."

Wesfarmers chairman, Michael Chaney, said last year he "would encourage all supermarket operators" to join.

Wesfarmers departing CEO, Richard Goyder, was more forthright in 2015 when he suggested Aldi might not be paying its fair share of tax. "I think someone should go and have a good look at how much tax Aldi pays in this country because I suspect they're very profitable," Goyder said in an address to the American Chamber of Commerce in Australia in Melbourne. He also said Aldi should be "paying corporate tax in Australia and they should be very transparent".

The transparency code was introduced in the 2015 federal budget by then-treasurer Joe Hockey in response to public dismay about the lack of taxes paid by multinationals in Australia.

Businesses with turnover of between $100 million and $500 million will be required to give only general tax details and/or commentary on their tax position, but those with over $500 million revenue will have to give more detailed information.

But multinationals, including McDonald's, have not yet signed up to the code.

ATO to issue $4 billion in tax bills

As moves on tax transparency are afoot the ATO has also been issuing more tax bills, under new boosted powers handed to it by the federal government.

The ATO has raised $2.9 billion in liabilities during the course of this financial year across all public companies and multinationals, and by the end of this month total liabilities will have reached $4 billion. 

The ATO's Deputy Commissioner, Public Groups, Jeremy Hirschhorn had told Fairfax Media he is optimistic that the agency will be able to recoup most of it. But it is unlikely that all companies will agree to pay the tax bills in full.

The ATO's Deputy Commissioner, International, Mark Konza, told Senate estimates last month that there were four ecommerce companies and three natural resource companies involved and that the adjustments ranged anywhere between $200 million and $900 million in the individual cases.

Mr Hirschhorn added that of that $4 billion, about $3 billion is directly related to transfer pricing matters.

"To give an order of magnitude, ecommerce cases relate to about a $1 billion of that, related party financing relates to about $1.5 billion of that and marketing hubs relate to about $500 million of that," he said.

Mr Hirschhorn said because ecommerce is so concentrated "we can get our arms around" big inbound multinational internet companies it suspects of avoiding paying taxes locally.

"Historically, those companies said that the selling activity was a low-cost, outsourced service and they often charged at cost plus 5 per cent," he said.

"What the transfer pricing rules and the Multinational Anti-Avoidance Law [MAAL] have said—and, indeed, this is now, most recently supported by the Diverted Profits Tax—is that that is not the case."

"You have to have a fair remuneration in Australia for the selling activity which is happening here under traditional transfer pricing concepts." 

He said higher payments would now show in these company disclosures or through corporate tax transparency data published by the ATO.