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NSW MP's staffer holds senior position in donor's Chinese lobbying group

An electorate officer for a NSW Labor frontbencher often touted as a future party leader holds a senior position in a Chinese communist party-aligned lobbying organisation headed by controversial political donor Huang Xiangmo.

James Zhou, who works for Kogarah MP Chris Minns, is also an executive vice president of the Australian Council for the Promotion of Peaceful Reunification of China.

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The council promotes the reunification of Taiwan, Macao, and Hong Kong with the mainland and is aligned with the United Front Work Department, an arm of the Communist Party dedicated to keeping Chinese expatriats in step with Chinese government policies.

Mr Huang, one of two billionaire property developers named in a Fairfax/Four Corners investigation as being persons of interest to ASIO, is its president.

The investigation revealed that ASIO warned Liberal and Labor parties about taking donations from Mr Huang and another prominent businessman, Chau Chak Wing, as they may be a conduit for Chinese Communist Party interference in Australian politics.

In response, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has ordered an inquiry into Australia's espionage and foreign interference laws.


Mr Minns was also one of a several Labor MPs, including federal shadow Treasurer Chris Bowen, who travelled to China in April 2015 as a guest of the Australia-Guandong Chamber of Commerce – chaired by Mr Huang – and the Chinese Communist Party.

Mr Minns, elected in March of that year, did not declare the travel on his first pecuniary interest return to Parliament, filed the following August.

However, he says this was due to advice from the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly who said the declaration period started on the date of his swearing-in, in early May.

Mr Minns said Mr Zhou is "committed to the Chinese community, so this is a useful way of contributing to Australia-Chinese relations".

"In my experience he has always been professional and committed to serving the constituents of Kogarah," he said.

Mr Zhou declined to speak to Fairfax Media. But he pointed out via Mr Minns that he became involved with Labor in 2013 when volunteering for former federal MP for Banks, Daryl Melham, and was not elected to the ACPPRC board until 2014.

He said he became involved in the council because he wanted to get further involved in the Australian-Chinese community.